Fjóla Guðrún Sigtryggsdóttir and Geir Helge Kiplesund

Embankment dams are vulnerable to excess through-flow as well as overtopping. In Norway embankment dams are usually earth-rockfill dam with erosion protection comprising placed riprap on the upstream and downstream slope and at the crest. The breaching mechanism of this embankment dam type has not been investigated to the fullest, and the current practice is to use breaching parameters that are derived without consideration of embankment dam type and material. The breaching parameters are required for estimating the flood resulting from dam breach, and thus ultimately influences consequence classification of the dam and consequent dam design requirements.

Physical model tests are planned in relation to the project WP1.2 on Dam safety within the research center HydroCen, and the PhD project by Geir Helge Kiplesund.
The aim of this master project is to carry out literature review on breaching of rockfill dams, and carry out model tests in the Hydraulic lab at NTNU in cooperation with the PhD student. Analysis of the data and comparison to the literature would be part of the tasks carried out.

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