1. The kill switch (big red button) has to be raised before the motors can receive power.
  2. Turn the Pioneer LX robot base ON. Ignore the small screen on the robot base.
  3. Wait for the menu to appear on the start box.
  4. Use the two buttons on the left to select the correct start sequence.
  5. Press the right button to select.

There are 2 possible modes to run:

  1. ariaServer: allows for manual operation using the joystick
  2. StateMachine

The 'sequence X' lines are nothing.

The startup box must be connected to one of the Pioneer’s USB ports. The startup box is powered and communicates over USB. In the Normal Start mode, the Cyborg expects to start on the footprints in Glassgrden, facing down the hall (figure to come).

Possible Issues

The start box could have been assigned a different serial USB port than the startup script expects. If this is the case use

ls /dev/ttyUSB*

before and after unplugging the startbox to find which /dev/ttyUSB port it has been assigned. /dev/ttyUSB0 to /dev/ttyUSB11 should be used by the Pioneer’s internal peripherals, and the startup box will usually be assigned /dev/ttyUSB12. Update the startup script with the correct port. This has never been necessary to do so far. There should be a way to identify the Arduino in the Startup Box with its ID number, thus always finding the correct port, but since it so far has always been assigned the same number I did not look into this.

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