PhD candidate: Margareth  Horn, ISS/SU

Main supervisor: Prof. Arne Krokan, ISS/SU

Co-supervisors: Associate Prof. Mariusz Nowostawski IDI/IE, AssociateProf. Bian Yang, IIK/IE


Blockchains will have profound effects on organisations and how they are managed. The new technology will affect how organisations create value, how they perform basic functions such as logistics and accounting, and how they arrange incentives for stakeholders. We need to understand connections between traditional organisations when it comes to creating, maintaining and utilising digital services.


The project will explore the organisational challenges of using blockchains in both private and public sectors, identifying the real benefits of the technology and its disruptive potential in Norway. We will focus on the legal, ethical, and social impacts of using smart contracts to encode and manage rights. Involvement of technical blockchain researchers will promote interplay between societal needs and technical possibilities. Collaboration with public and private organisations will be critical to obtain realistic results. The project supervisor has established links with Publica ( as well as DIFI, the organisation responsible for digitising the public sector in Norway.

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