NTNU Small Satellite Lab (Department of Electronic Systems) - B308/B310

This will be our lab for this project.

Under construction!

Link to lab floor plan (Visio-format):Floor plan original and suggestions (in OneDrive)

Electronics Prototype lab (Department of Electronic Systems) - C251

Soldering station
Antenna measurement chamber
Laser PCB mill
Mechanical PCB mill
RF-lab, RF measuring equipment

Electronics lab (Department of Engineering Cybernetics) - D060

Soldering station
Mechanical PCB mill

NUTS student satellite lab and ground station - D551

HAM satellite ground station
SATNOGS station
SDR lab

UAV-lab (Department of Engineering Cybernetics)

Home page: http://www.itk.ntnu.no/english/lab/unmanned

Wiki: http://uavlab.itk.ntnu.no/wiki/doku.php

Contact: Tor Arne Johansen

Mechanical workshop (Department of Electronic Systems) - C151


Mechanical workshop (Department of Engineering Cybernetics)


Integrated Heterogeneous Sensor Network (IHSN) Platform, aka IoT lab
(Department of Information Security and Communication Technology)

Soldering station
Software Defined Radios (HackRF)
Wireless Sensor Nodes (different models from Zolertia, Libellium and TI)
Raspberry PIs
"CAMOS" Nodes (4 water-tight prototypes with WiFi and VHF/OWL radios)
Acoustic Modems
Cloud Computing testbed


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