Better define how the payload should do the things it is supposed to do
There are still a lot of confusion and questions regarding the Hardware interface of the payload
clear benefit between multispectral and hyperspectral should be defined
benefits of multispectral
This is how the spectral resolution of most OC satellites
algorithms and models are based and tested on this spectral resolution
We will achieve a better signal to noise ratio using bands i.e. binning more signals together
The HABsat-1 mission claim: "Research has shown that hyperspectralcustom narrowband multispectral imagers with radiometric thermal imagers are the preferred instruments for predicting, detecting, identifying potential HABs in the oceans"
"Research has shown that hyperspectral or custom narrowband multispectral imagers with radiometric thermal imagers are the preferred instruments for predicting, detecting, identifying potential HABs in the oceans"
Greater flexibility wrt. to potential changes in operation
There is a clear distinction between classification and target detection. Both are applications within hyperspectral image processing, but not dependent on each other.
Could use classification schemes to determine regions of interest, but at an undetermined power/computational cost.
Even though not clarified in the meeting the CCSDS-123 is the better choice for lossless compression given TRL for our mission when compared to JPEG2000