Discussion items

  • Attending: Elizabeth, Gara, Joao, Alberto, Roger
  • Late-comers:
  • Absent:
  • Status on project
  • Kickoff
  • Update on action items:
  • SmallSatLab:
    • Problems with electrician – bad communication (so there was a stop in progress)
      • New meeting today to clarify things
    • Acoustic plates to be installed
    • Furniture ordered and should be arriving in a couple of weeks
  • Suppliers


Status on Project

    • Satellite bus
      • Tender closed
      • 5 proposals received
    • Processing
      • Quick-start guide for processing (Joao) on google-drive from HICO, Hyperion ++
        • Multispectral/hyperspectral, mostly level 1b
    • Camera control
    • Communication
      • See separate slide
    • Mariusz:
      • Finishing proposal for work in G-NAT-lab (attitude control)
      • Optimizing mission design work
      • 1-2 papers
      • Finalizing Mission Analysis Report
      • Looking into how San Jose State University manages their students




  1. Ground station
    1. Antennas for measurements
    2. Public tender?
      1. Will we do a tender or are we doing RFQ+ordering? Might be cheap enough to avoid a public tender (<500kNOK)
      2. Schedule a separate meeting with Gara, Roger, Egil, Torbjörn next week
  2. Comm. suppliers
    1. Syrlinks
    2. IQ Wireless
  3. Frequency allocation
    1. Need to start writing the API
  4. SDR mission
    1. Started system engineering approach
    2. Measurements: discussions with Space Norway and Vigo