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null An Ocean for All: Ocean Literacy for Sustainability

An Ocean for All: Ocean Literacy for Sustainability

‘We are not aware of the full extent of the medical, economic, social, political and environmental importance of the sea. Our day-to-day actions can have a cumulative effect on the health of the ocean and seas – a necessary resource that must be protected for all life on planet earth to exist. — oceanliteracy.unesco.org.

boy with a cape jumping out from the water

Our village will be a collaborative platform to discover, investigate, discuss and create strategies to increase Ocean Literacy, on collective and individual levels. The village will consider all perspectives (technological, environmental, political, economic, cultural, aesthetical…) on the chosen case (or cases). By developing various relations between what is ‘yet unknown’ we will investigate new opportunities for Ocean Literacy. 

‘Ocean literacy is not only a way to increase the awareness of the public about the ocean, but it is an approach to encourage all citizens and stakeholders to have a more responsible and informed behaviour towards the ocean and its resources’ - oceanliteracy.unesco.org

Relevant competency

To find ways to convey & increase Ocean Literacy we need all perspectives. The village is open to students from all academic disciplines. 

We need to raise critical voices, partake in unusual discussions and have the willingness to collaborate, commit and be open for change. This topic touches many of the 17 UN sustainable development goals and therefore it requires an interdisciplinary perspective and good discussions among all different disciplines.

Students will be encouraged to experiment with the scope of their disciplines and to remain curious to new concepts and ideas. 

About the village

The village is externally sponsored by the strategic research area of NTNU OCEANS and counts with a network of external partner organizations that will contribute to and follow up closely the work of the students:

  • Passion for Ocean, a national platform for Ocean Literacy
  • NTNU University Museum, one of seven university museums in Norway (see also SeeSalmon).
  • The Ocean Opportunity Lab (TOOL), Operating the world's first floating lab and hub for innovators across ocean industries, sustainable business & tech.
  • GRID-Arendal, a non-profit environmental communications centre that transforms environmental data into innovative, science-based information products and provide capacity-building services.

‘The ocean is a source of food, energy, minerals, increasingly of medications; it regulates the Earth’s climate and hosts the greatest diversity of life and ecosystems, and is a provider of economic, social and aesthetic services to humankind.
Knowing and understanding the ocean’s influence on us, and our influence on the ocean is crucial to living and acting sustainably. This is the essence of ocean literacy.‘ (Ocean literacy for all: a toolkit)

‘An Ocean for All: Ocean Literacy for Sustainability’ will allow you to learn more about the Oceans and to contribute to increase Ocean Literacy. 

Teaching method

Hybrid: In this village there will be a mix of classroom and online teaching. Students must have a computer with camera and microphone.

Also, in this village, the project report and the compulsory presentation of the project is assessed by an oral exam that counts for 50% of the grade. The oral exam is assessed according to the same criteria as the project report.



  • Course code: TBA4863
  • Type: Semester
  • Language: English (students will be able to write their report in Norwegian)
  • Village supervisor: Maria Azucena Gutierrez Gonzalez - NTNU Oceans Coordinator
  • Contact information: mariaazucena.gutierrez@ntnu.no
  • Semester: Spring 2022
  • Location: Trondheim
  • Host faculty: IV

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