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The research and innovation taking place in SFI Metal

Production is in total harmony with NTNU’s vision

”Knowledge for a better world”.

The SFI has been building up to full capacity in 2016, one

of the reasons being the recruitment of talented PhD

students and postdocs. Scientifically the progress of the

centre during the year has been highly satisfactory.

Education of master and PhD students as well as post-

docs is an important ingredient of an SFI centre. A vital

part of NTNU’s mission as a university is student and re-

searcher training and SFI Metal Production is a valuable

contributor in this respect. The asset of the SFI centre

from an educational point of view, is that the young stu-

dents and postdocs are exposed to timely scientific ques-

tions on topics highly relevant for the industrial partners

and with strong innovation potential. Through the close

collaboration between the university, institute and in-

dustry partners, these candidates learn the interplay be-

tween solving industrial questions and applied research,

as well as formulating basic scientific questions based

on industrial needs. Most significantly, these students

and researchers are instrumental in carrying out the re-

search activities within the centre in close collaboration

with the university academics, SINTEF researchers and

staff of the industrial partners. These candidates are

potential future researchers and research leader in the

field and possible employees for all partners in the con-

sortium, with profound knowledge of metal production

and understanding of industrial needs. This symbiosis is

an asset for all participants in the centre as well as for

the educational charter of NTNU.

Highly educated personnel are becoming increasingly

important as Norwegian industry is facing stronger

competition in a global market and expectations with

respect to sustainable production and lower environ-

mental footprints. These trends demand specialists with

research experience to drive the industrial development

and competitiveness. The PhD candidates and post-

docs educated through SFI Metal Production are among

these specialists. Societal aspects are integral topics of

the centre, issues high on the agenda for all members

and underpinning all research areas.

We are pleased with successful recruiting of talented

young students and researchers to SFI Metal Production

and look forward to following their scientific achieve-

ments in the centre and beyond. We believe that our can-

didates will contribute to shape the future of a strong

and sustainable metal producing industry in Norway.

Anne Borg (Dean at NV-Faculty)

leader of the EC at SFI Metal Production