CenSES annual report 2014
CenSES annual conference
Around 70 participants attended the CenSES annual
conference December 4-5 2014. The participants were a
mix of CenSES user partners, researchers and PhD students.
There were 22 presentations covering topics such as UN
climate policy, energy use in households, energy demand
in Norway, new technology and commercialization, energy
markets, climate policy and scenariostudies.
A majority of the presentations at the conference were
CenSES PhD students or PhD students from related projects
presenting their research results. PhD candidate Ingebor-
grud talked about pure electric driving pleasure, PhD candi-
date Walmun was presenting “godstransportprosjektet” and
phd candidate Skar vas presenting energy storage in future
energy systems.
The research area leaders presented research result from
their areas, such as Gunnar Eskeland with his presentation
Around 70 participant attended the annual conference at Scandic Edderkoppen, Oslo.
Black or green? by Edgar Hertwich.
Ruud, Tomasgard, Weaver and Steen are discussing the research presented.
about Urban sustainable development: what it means to
build cities for the future, and Kari Espegren presenting
energy demand projects in Norway towards 2050.
Edgar Hertwich gave the participants an insight to UNs
climate report with the theme “Black or green? We choose
our energy future now.”
Even Haug Larsen, a masterstudent from NTNU presented
the history behind Morpho Solar, a CenSES supported
project about the future way to cook.
The conference invited to diversity in the presentations,
and it created many discussions that may be relevant in the
Presentations can be found at
www.censes.no(Photo: Martinsen)