CenSES annual report 2014
In 2013 UngEnergi successfully created a stable platform
for the website
ungenergi.no.The project group consist-
ing of youths between 16-22, had partly achieved reaching
the goal to create a website around sustainable energy for
high-school students. A broad spectre of information about
renewable energy was now easily accessible for the target
group. Backed by CenSES and various other contributors,
the project was headed with full speed into 2014.
With a goal to keep developing the website in 2014, the
project group started creating material that could be more
directed towards the teachers. This is a method the group
decided would be the best way to reach out to the largest
possible crowd. Getting the website to be accepted into
schools had previously been a challenge.
Tweet tweet
At the end of 2014 CenSES had 238 followers, and we were
following 576, all key national and international stake-
holders such as industry decision makers, politicians,
scientists and researchers.
We use twitter to present our research and to
communicate with people that are sharing the same
passion about sustainable energy. In 2014 one of our
tweets reached more than 15, 000 people!
Follow us on twitter!
Ung Energi at Trondheim Maker Faire
The main innovation UngEnergi introduced to the website
in 2014, was a section speci cally made for teachers.
Material that could be used directly into class was pub-
lished, and instantly received positive feedback, both from
students and teachers. This material consists mainly around
fully developed project “packages”
that teachers can use in tutoring. These packages contain-
ing i.e. “how-to” videos, nished power-point presentations
and tasks around the package theme. Examples of such
themes vary from an easy-to-build wind turbine, to a sun-
powered charger for a mobile phone.
Another important step marketing the website, was the
presence of the project group at various seminars and
gatherings, both for teachers and various crowds. Showing
up at for example “Trondheim Maker Faire”, “Forsknings-
torget” and “Opplæringsdagan”. This proved to be a great
way to improve visitor numbers, and leap in the use of the
website was detected.
At the end of 2014, the project group reached a collective
goal towards 2015, where an agreement to keep develop-
ing “packages”was the most important priority. Also the
challenge of keeping the website up-to-date around cur-
rent news, is to be prioritized.
For more information, visit