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The two year Master of Science degree in
Environmental Engineering gives you a
challenging and exciting education for
the future. Environmental Engineering is
an ideal specialization for first-degree
engineers with technological interests
combined with environmental concern.
This is an education that provides
innovative, professional challenges and
lead to a variety of career possibilities.
The study program at NTNU offers two
options: 1) Urban Water & Water
Resources Engineering, where the first
year is spent at NTNU and the final year
at Chalmers University of Technology or
vice versa; 2) Residual Resources, where
the first year is spent at NTNU and the
final year at the Technical University of
Denmark (DTU), or vice versa.
Water and Wastewater Engineering aims
to manage the main challenges and
strategies in key areas of the water and
wastewater field, based on a comprehen-
sive understanding of the urban water
cycle. Society is facing an immense
demand on renewing the infrastructure
for distribution of potable water, as well
as the collection of municipal wastewa-
ter. This requires basic knowledge of the
methods and tools suitable for analyzing,
evaluating and implementing solutions
for processing and distribution of potable
water, for collecting and treating
wastewater, as well as water runoff from
rain and snow melt .
Residual Resources Engineering aims to
sustainably manage, reuse, and minimize
the impact of residual resources (such as
waste) generated by human activity.
Society is facing an immense demand for
resources and at the same time is
generating increasing amounts of
residues. In order to use this residual
resource and avoid the impacts of the
contaminants in the residues, a holistic
technological approach is needed. This
requires characterization of the residues,
understanding of mass and substance
flows, design of conversion technologies,
and assessment of environmental
impacts. Skills in mass balances,
process engineering and life cycle
assessment are integrated into a social,
legal and economic framework for
optimizing waste management and
utilization strategies.
The eNviro5Tech program takes
advantage of the strong competencies in
the Nordic region within education,
research and innovation. The staff
involved in the program is active in
research, having published numerous
papers in internationally acknowledged
journals, as well as several text books
for graduate students. Furthermore,
many members of the staff are involved
in international cooperation within
research and development projects
financed, for instance, by the European
The Nordic Master's in Environmental
Engineering is a double degree program.
As a graduate from the Nordic Master's
in Environmental Engineering you will
receive two MSc diplomas: one from
each of the two universities in your
study track. The two diplomas will be
supplemented with an insert describing
the consortium and the program. A
major aim of the program is to prepare
the student for a professional career
through the integration of professional
experience with the degree programs.
This will ultimately increase quality and
competitiveness, study motivation and
A BSc degree corresponding to a
minimum 180 ECTS credits in: Civil or
Environmental Engineering or other
relevant degree. The applicant’s quali-
fications must include a strong working
knowledge of mathematics and physics,
and applicants must document that they
have fulfilled the following minimum
ww Mathematics: 20 ECTS, including
linear algebra, calculus and dif-
ferential equations.
ww Physics: 10 ECTS.
ww Applicants with a Polytechnic (FI),
Högskoleingeniör (SE) and Diplomin-
geniør (DK) degree may be expected
to do extra course work to qualify for
the programme.
In addition, a background in chemistry (a
minimum of 5 ECTS) is required.