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Athletic clubs
At NTNU there are several athletic clubs for employees, and you will fnd most athletic
disciplines represented. In addition, NTNU has made agreements with different ftness
centres where the employees receive discounts. See HR-portalen for more information.
Research fellows, post doctoral candidates and research assistants may apply for
university housing / apartments. Visiting researchers may also apply for housing for
the period they are staying at NTNU. See (in Norwegian):
Trade Unions
FF - Forskerforbundet ved NTNU [1]
NITO - Norges ingeniørorganisasjon [2]
NTL - Norsk tjenestemannslag NTNU [3]
Parat - Arbeidstakerorganisasjon tilsluttet YS [4]
TEKNA - Teknisk-naturvitenskapelig forening [5]
[1] Transl.: The Norwegian Association of Researchers at NTNU
[2] Transl.: Norwegian Society of Engineers and Technologists
[3] Transl.: Norwegian Civil Service Union
[4] Transl.: Employees’ organization affliated with YS
[5] Transl.: The Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scientifc Professionals
Updated information on Trade Unions is available at the HR Department (Personala-
vdelingen) at NTNU. The Trade Unions represent the employees through co-determi-
nation according to the Basic Agreement for the Civil Service (Hovedavtalen i Staten)
and in local pay negotiations.