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Absence due to illness
NTNU is an Inclusive Workplace (IW) Enterprise, committed through
an agreement with NAV (the Norwegian Labour and Welfare
Administration). When you are ill and absent from work for 8
days or less, you must report your illness by submitting a
written notifcation of absence called an «egenmelding».
Absence of more than 8 days requires a doctor’s certifcate.
«Egenmelding» can be used for a given number of calendar days
per period of illness, but with an upper limit of a given number days
for a 12-month period. In order to have the right to use «egenmelding»
the employee must have been employed for at least two months. See
HR-portalen for more information.
The employee is obligated to inform the employer of the absence, at the latest at the
end of the working day.
Parental leave
Parents of a new-born baby have the right to a leave of absence with full pay for a
given number of weeks or with 80% pay for a given number of weeks. In addition,
there are other arrangements in connection with birth and compassionate leave.
For more information, see «Family matters» on HR-portalen.
Leave of absence when a child or the child-minder is sick
Employees who are responsible for the care for children under the age of twelve are
entitled to a given number of days off work with pay per calendar year when a child