Department of Chemical Engineering
Annual Report 2015
In addition to the University funding shown in Table 1,
the Department have a substantial income from external
contributors, approx 84 million NOK. Details are shown
in Tables 2. In 2015 the external contributions raised
from 68,5 to 84,3 million NOK. It seems that several of
the new academic staff also are able to attract projects.
The majority of the external funds are spent on salary for
PhD candidates and Post Docs. The main contributor to
the external research activity is The Norwegian Research
Council (NRC). Most of these projects are hosted by The
Department, but the second largest external source is
NRC projects where we contribute as a third party. The
level of funding from commissioned research have been
modest the last years. The funding from EU has been in
the range 3 – 6 MNOK/year, and in 2015 it raised to 5,6
MNOK. NTNU wish to increase the EU-research and we
manage to do so in 2015. Many of the projects both for
NRC and others are co-founded by public funding and
industry funding. The industry partners are from Europe,
North and South America and Asia.
Table 2 Sources of external funding
The third source of income is strategic funding from the
Minestry, this is earmarked funds to support teaching,
research and academic profile. These funds are ment to
finance PhD or Post Doc positions and to aquire scientific
equipement. But also to support self-financing in
external project of strategic interest.
The funds we receive are mostly used to cover self-
financing of projects we take part in that are of strategic
interest for NTNU. The budget for the segment was
approx. 3,2 MNOK in 2015.
10 000
20 000
30 000
40 000
50 000
60 000
70 000
80 000
90 000
Tousand NOK
External funding
Research Council
EU Other sourches