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CenSES annual report 2014


22. Espegren, K.A. (2014). Electricity trade/balancing seen from Norway,

IEAWorkshop, Paris, France, 9-10 October 2014.

23. Espegren, K.A. (2014). Input from Norway to Nordic analysis, IEAWork-

shop,Paris, France, 9-10 October 2014.

24. Seljom,P.,Tomasgard, A. (2014). Stochastic modelling of short-term

uncertainty in TIMES -A case study of wind power in Denmark, Energy

Modeling in Denmark WS, Copenhagen,17 November 2014.

25. Chronopoulos, Michael.(2014). IAEEs international conference, Rome,

October 2014.

26. Eskeland, G. (2014). Klimaøkonomikonferanse; Beyond IPCC – Future

paths for Climate Research, Gøteborg, 17 October 2014.

27. Eskeland, G. (2014). Lederskap i klimapolitikken. Forskerkonferansen.

Bergen, 4-6- January 2014.

28. Eskeland, G. (2014). What if Climate Policy is about Leadership. Beyond

IPCC-Future paths for Climate Research Conference. Gothenburg, 17 Oc-

tober, 2014.

29. Eskeland, G. (2014). Title. Transnovakonferansen, Trondheim, 12 March


30. Eskeland, G. (2014). Blessed or less by nature’s gifts: The Resource Curse

Avoided. ABCDE Conference, Washington, 2-3 June 2014.

31. Eskeland, G. (2014). Leadership in Climate Policy. Conference- Inter-

national Association of Energy Economics International Conference- IAEE.

New York, 15-19 June 2014.

32. Aall, C.(2014). Rebound E ect I: Energy, e ciency, and Growth. Fourth

international Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and

Social Equity. Leipzig, 2-5 September 2014.

33. Tomasgard, A. (2014). Stochastic programming with decision depen-

dent probabilities, Uncertainty Fest, Seminar at IMPA, October 2014. Rio,

15 October 2014.

34. Bjørndal, E. (2014). Adjusting for Quality in the Benchmarking of Elec-

tricity Network Companies. Conference on benchmarking methods for the

incentive regulation of the energy sector - evaluating and improving the

German approach. Bonn, 2014.

35. Bjørndal E., Bjørndal M.H. (2014). StoNED versus Two-stage DEA for

Regulation of Electricity Networks, North American Productivity Workshop.

Ottawa. 2014

36. Bjørndal M.H. (2014). Incentive regulation, benchmarching and the

regulated rate of return. GDF Suez Chair Inauguration workshop, Universi-

té catholique de Louvain CORE, 3 June 2014.

37. Ryghaug, M. (2014). The citizen’s perspective. ZET Plan conference,

Roma, 10-11 December 2014.

38. Skjeret, F. (2014). Minimising risks when introducing wind power.

Intermittent renewables, balancing powers and electricity market design.

Norway, 25-27 August, 2014.

39. Andersson, J., Bjørndal, E., Bjørndal, M.H., Rud, L. (2014). Wind Power,

Congestion Management and the Variability of Power Prices. IFORS 2014

- 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research

Societies. Barcelona, 13-17 June 2014.

40. Bjørndal, E. (2014). Adjusting for Quality in the Benchmarking of Elec-

tricity Network Companies. Seminar on benchmarking methods for the

incentive regulation of the energy sector - evaluating and improving the

German approach. Bundesnetzagentur, 27 May 2014.

41. Bjørndal, E., Bjørndal, M.H., Midtun, K.T., Tomasgard, A. (2014). Con-

gestion Management by Dispatch or Re-Dispatch: Flexibility Costs and

Stochastic E ects. Conference - IFORS 2014 - 20th Conference of the Inter-

national Federation of Operational Research Societies. Barcelona, 13-18

July 2014.

42. Bjørndal E., Bjørndal, M.H. (2014). StoNED versus Two-stage DEA for

Regulation of Electricity Networks. Conference - INFORMS Annual Meeting.

San Fransisco, 9-12 November 2014.

43. Tomasgard, A., Bjørndal, E., Bjørndal, M.H., Midtun, K.T. (2014). Conges-

tion Management by Dispatch or Re-Dispatch: Flexibility Costs and Sto-

chastic E ects. Workshop- Intermittent Renewables, Balancing Power and

Electricity Market Design. 25-27 August 2014.

44. Cai, H., Bjørndal, E., Bjørndal, M.H. (2014). Nodal Pricing Applied to

Feed-in RES in a Hybrid Pricing Context. Conference- INFORMS Annual

Meeting. San Fransisco, 9-12 November 2014.

45. Cheng, X., Bjørndal, E., Bjørndal, M.H. (2014). Malmquist Productivity

Index Analysis Based on StoNED: Case of Norwegian Electricity Distribution

Company. INFORMS Annual Meeting. San Fransisco, 9-12 November 2014.

46. Chronopoulos, M., Eskeland, G. (2014). The Value of Better Wind Infor-

mation in Investment Decisions.Workshop - Science Meets Industry. Ber-

gen, 9 September 2014.

47. Durmaz, T. (2014). Energy Storage and Renewable Energy. Conference-

The 37th IAEE International Conference, Special PhD Session. New York,

15-18 June 2014.

48. Durmaz, T. (2014). R&D, Growth and Climate Change. Researchers meet-

ing, Norwegian Association of Economists. Oslo, 5-6 January 2014.

49. Normann, H.A. (2014). O shore wind and carbon capture and storage

in Norway.IST 2014, Utrecht, 27-29 August 2014.

50. Ingeborgrud, L., Ryghaug, M. (2014). What can we learn from the so-

cialization of electric cars in Norway? SCOT Conference. Trondheim, 2-4

June 2014.

51. Karlstrøm, H. (2014). The converging logics of climate change and mi-

gration politics. Workshop Climate Change, Migration and Neoliberalism.

Lund, 11-12 September 2014.

52. Korsnes, M. (2014). Creating paths for China’s o shore wind industry:

Supply chain logics and a mentality change from swiftness to thriftiness.

Seminar- ETH PhD-Academy on Sustainability and Technology , Appenzell,

8-13 June 2014.

53. Korsnes, M. (2014). O shoring O shore Wind: A Norwegian (ad)ven-

ture in China. Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) / ESOCITE. Buenos

Aires, 20-23 August 2014.

54. Korsnes, M. (2014). Perceptions and visions of China’s emerging o -

shore wind industry. Workshop- Social construction of technology coming

of age: new challenges and opportunities ahead. Trondheim, 3-5 June


55. Korsnes, M. 2014. The creation of China’s o shore wind industry: Catch-

ing up in design but not in time? 5th International Sustainability Transi-

tions (IST) Conference. Utrecht, 27-29 August 2014.

56. Korsnes, M. (2014). The Rapid Growth of China’s Wind Industry – An

Institutional Analysis. Shanghai Social Studies Colloquium (SSSC). Shang-

hai, 24 February 2014.

57. Korsnes, M. (2014). Visions and perceptions of China’s emerging o -

shore wind industry. 20th Annual International Sustainable Development

Research Conference: Re s i l i e n c e - The New Researc h Frontier, Trond-

heim, 18-20 June 2014.

58. Næss, R. (2014). Grønne omstillinger og paradokser. Konferanse - Om-

stilling til en grønn økonomi - hva må til for å nå dit? Trondheim, 26 No-

vember 2014.

59. Solli, J., Næaa, R. (2014). Brukbar klimakunnskap? BREV-workshop.

Trondheim, 19 November 2014.