CenSES annual report 2014
During the rst four years CenSES researchers have pub-
lished 131 papers, held 353 conference presentations,
and CenSES nanced 29 PhD students (six defended their
thesis). In addition 32 PhD students were hired in related
projects and 119 master students have written their thesis
within the centre. The activity level will remain high in the
years to come with the commencement of a number of
related projects with new, external funding in addition to
the FME budget. It is also worth noting that the industry
support for the centre has increased over the past four year
The main contributions from CenSES research are in the
thematic areas energy and climate policy, innovation,
commercialization and public engagement of renewable
energy technologies, managing intermittent renewables
and understanding Norway’s role in the European energy
CenSES researchers have over the rst four years participat-
ed in a large number of national and international arenas
and public debates in order to disseminate our research.
Highlights include the following:
- SINTEF and NTNU joined The Energy Modelling Forum 28
(EMF 28) together with a number of European partners in
order to explore the energy system transition required to
meet the European goal of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions by 80 % by 2050.
- IEA Task “Social acceptance of Wind Energy” is an inter-
disciplinary and cross-cultural exchange platform with the
goal to support the successful development of wind energy
in the participating countries.
- The European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fos-
sil Fuel Power Plants (ZEP): The EMPIRE model developed
in CenSES has been used as the analytical tool for two of
ZEPs main reports in 2013 and 2014 giving advice on early
measures for the implementation of CCS and the lowest
cost path to decarbonising European power.
- Technoport Talk in 2013: The CenSES Position Paper
“Norway´s role as a exibility provider in a renewable
Europe”was presented and followed by a panel debate
including the Norwegian Minister of Petroleum, Energy EU’s
Commissioner in charge of Climate Action
and Energy and CenSES director.
- CenSES Deputy Director was invited keynote speaker at
the SET-plan conference, 2014 and presented ”The Citizen
Perspective” in a panel.
- In 2014 CenSES participated in a panel debate on solutions
for the low carbon society at NTNU which included the Min-
ister of Climate and Environment and the NTNU rector.
In 2014 we undertook an extensive midterm evaluation
which gave us the opportunity to evaluate our activities
and results, and revise our plans for the period 2015-2018.
As part of the process, we also received feedback from our
partners and an external evaluation panel. The scores are
very good regarding the competence level of the research-
ers. CenSES also score well when it comes to usefulness
of research, improved access for partners to competent
personnel and on providing a strengthened knowledge
base for the partners. For some of the partners the research
has directly a ected their strategy and long term plans. The
feedback also shows that we have a potential to improve
when it comes to results that lead to enhanced processes,
products and methods for user partners.
Altogether, the results of our rst years form major achieve-
ments, but we will increase the focus on presenting the re-
sults to our partners in a structured way. Thus, for the next
four years CenSES will increase capacity on synthesis work.
CenSES user cases and scenarios are seen as important tools
to involve the user partners in the research and to ensure
our research is relevant. You can read more about the three
user cases that are being nalised in the report as well a
short introduction to the new user cases just starting. The
scenario work in CenSES studying di erent pathways for
transition of the energy system will have increased focus.
Understanding and providing knowledge for the transition
to a sustainable energy future is our main objective. We will
continue the high focus on relevance for our user partners
and society in general as re ected in the revised research
plan for 2015-2018.
Asgeir Tomasgard
Centre Director, CenSES
Report from the Centre Director