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“I became involved with Honda as a master’s student, when

Professor Magnus Langseth wanted me to study flow-drill

screw connections between aluminium plates for Honda R&D

Americas. They had contacted SIMLab and wanted to invest in

a long-term strategic partnership. Therefore, this became the

topic for my master’s and PhD theses. This was in 2012.


I had been working on the project for two and a half years when

we thought it was time for me to go and work with Honda for a

while. We anticipated that this would be beneficial both for me

and for the partnership between Honda and SIMLab. The people

at Honda were excited and we decided on a ten-week stay.

On 11 April I found myself in the huge parking lot in front of

the R&D building in Columbus, Ohio. Coming from a tiny island

in Norway where there are ten cars per hour on heavy-traffic

days, the size of things at Honda amazed me. I was working

in a shared office space with two thousand others. The office

was the size of three football fields, very different from the

SIMLab environment. Working in such a large company was

very interesting. I learned a lot about being a small part in

a big machine and about the dynamics of large companies. A

couple of weeks after I started, we worked out a draft work

plan for my stay, based on previous discussions. Honda had

a list of suggestions about what I could do there. Professor

Langseth and Associate Professor David Morin gave their input

to the plan in a video meeting. I believe that this was a key

point for the success of my stay. Now the partners and I had

a mutual agreement about the expectations and I could spend

the limited time efficiently.


While at Honda, I had the opportunity to work with full-

vehicle crash simulations. The size and complexity of these

simulations are astonishing, with 15 million elements and

thousands of different parts. In my PhD research I have been

working on how to model FDS connections in large-scale

finite element simulations. However, before I went to Honda

I had only worked on rather simple simulations, mostly with

a single connector. To understand the physics of what is going

on in a connection, we performed experiments with simple test

specimens under controlled loadings. Furthermore, to evaluate

the accuracy of different macroscopic modelling techniques

for FDS connections, we simulated the tests and compared

the results with the test results. Working with the full-vehicle

simulations at Honda gave me valuable experience regarding

FDS modelling as well as experience with different aspects of

large finite element simulations in general. For Honda it was

valuable to learn how to use the macroscopic model that was

currently most promising for FDS connections.


An important motivation for SIMLab to send me to Honda was to

increase the knowledge transfer between the two partners. One

of SIMLab’s strengths is the modelling of aluminium and Honda

is using aluminium in several of their cars. This was therefore

a good opportunity for Honda to apply and understand the

SIMLab Toolbox and the SIMLab Metal Model. I held workshops

for people in my work group involved in the modelling of

anisotropic aluminium where I lectured on the Toolbox and

they got hands-on experience using it for the calibration of the

Metal Model. I believe this experience was very interesting for

Honda. Eric DeHoff, a senior researcher at the core methods

group, said that he had listened to presentations from SIMLab

about the Toolbox several times but had not really understood

it until now. I believe this is a good example of how we can

efficiently transfer knowledge between SIMLab and our

industrial partners.


Knowledge transfer goes both ways. Working on aluminium

modelling with Honda gave me the opportunity to learn about

their philosophy when it comes to material modelling and

the models they are using. One aspect was that SIMLab and

Honda have some significantly different philosophies. For

large-scale simulations, the philosophy at SIMLab is to use

simple parameterized phenomenological material models

which conform to well-established physical principles (like

positive plastic dissipation). The complexity of the models

and the number of calibration tests needed, depend on what

physical behaviour you want to capture in the simulations

(for instance anisotropic behaviour). At Honda, the result

in the end (comparison between component simulation

and the experiment) is most important, not whether the

models comply with physical principles. If a model violates

a few thermodynamic principles but is easy to calibrate and

gives satisfactory predictions of the anisotropic behaviour,

an engineer will use it anyhow. I believe this is a common

difference between academia and industry. Understanding

the different ways of thinking is important to “bridge the

gap” between SIMLab and its industrial partners and between

academics and industry in general.


While my stay at Honda was a success, I hope the experience

from my visit can improve other PhD candidates’ future stays

with our industrial partners. However, one thing comes to

mind. During the short time I was there, I did not participate

much in the work they do at Honda. I spent my time working

on the items in my work plan that we set up during the first

weeks. I wish I could have been more involved in some of the

current projects other people in my group were working on. In

retrospect I realize that this is a point that should have been

included with the rest of the items in the work plan in the first


Long story short: I have learned a tonne, gained experience for

myself and SIMLab, had fun and made new friends.”

PhD candidate Johan Kolstø Sønstabø

spent ten weeks at Honda R&D Americas

as part of his work on flow-drill screw

connections to join aluminium sheets.

Here is his report from the stay:


Honda R&D Americas