Page 9 - Timer construction - Birdwatching tower in Rindal

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As described earlier the task from Rindal kommune was to de-
sign and build a birdwatching tower along the KUL-TUR-STI. The
site for the birdwatching tower was decided by the municipality
in advance, and can be seen in the map below. The site is lo-
cated on the southern part of the lake Igletjønna, and is charac-
terized by a small forest and a swamp.
The semester started with making individual proposals on how
the new birdwatching tower could be designed. In this first
phase the students were introduced to demands and requests
from birdwatchers. They wanted the
structure to provide a good view to the birds (4 meters above
the water), that there is room for a tripod, that the construction
is stable and that people are hidden from the birds as much as
In the second phase of the semester, four projects were chosen
for further development. The projects were improved according
to the demands set by the birdwatchers and construction details
were worked out.
In the last phase one project was chosen, and all students
worked together to make it buildable.