Page 8 - Timer construction - Birdwatching tower in Rindal

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The project is part of an agreement between The Faculty of
Architecture and Fine Art at NTNU and the municipality of Rindal.
The objective of the agreement is to establish cooperation
between the two parties regarding education, research and
practice related activities within architecture, art, planning and
property development.
The municipality of Rindal has initiated the development of the
project “Rindal – time for living”. A branch of the project called
“Cul-Ture-Path” includes plans of small building projects such as
a bird watching tower, bridges, a sauna, rest stops, and more.
The municipality wishes a cooperation where the individual
building projects may be developed and eventually built through
educational courses at The Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts
at NTNU. Two of the afore-mentioned building projects have
been realized – a sauna which was built during the spring of
2011 and a bird watching tower which has just been finished and
which this report describes. A bird watching tower and a bridge
were planned and designed by students during 2010, but both
were unfortunately abandoned of various reasons.
It is a challenge to create attractive and environmentally friendly
towns that people of all ages enjoy. It is particularly important
to develop towns that will attract new generations of youth to
settle there. Three local associations in Rindal introduced an idea
in 2005 to create a combined walking and culture path which
hopefully would tie the area closer together. They also had a
wish that the path would contribute to increased knowledge of
the community’s nature, culture and history.
A vision of the municipality is that the culture path will become
innovative and interesting even for people from outside of
Rindal. The community sees a great value and development
potential in the culture path which may create positive ripple
effects like employment and promoting of Rindal.
The project is focused on being characteristic with emphasis
on preserving and utilizing local nature and culture resources,
creating meeting places for the residents as well as preserving
and developing the area’s identity. Quality and aesthetics will be
the foundation for designing the various initiatives.
There is a goal that the path will be an offer to all kinds of user
groups; joggers, bicyclists either to or from school, for workout
or transport, wheel chair users, visually impaired/blind, elderly,
cross-country skiers, families with small children, etc.