Page 15 - Timer construction - Birdwatching tower in Rindal

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If you follow the path in
the project, the first place
you will come to is a place
where you can watch the
trees moving in the wind.
This is a space which is
opening up upwards. The
walls here are closed, but
the roof is open and gives
you an opportunity to look
up and watch the trees.
If you follow the path futher
on the next place you will
come to is a place where
you can watch the staws
in the swamp moving in
the wind. Here you have
a wall that runs along the
path for a little while. This
wall is opening up down by
the path and allows you to
watch the straws.
A place to watch the trees
moving in the wind.
A place to watch the straws
moving in the wind.
A place to watch the birds
A place to watch the insects
moving on the ground.
The next place you will
arrive at is the bird watching
place. This is a space that
opens up towards the bird
watching direction. The roof
and the walls here are quite
closed so that you can focus
on the birds.
After you have watched the
birds, you could continue
further on and arrive at a
place where you can watch
insects moving on the
ground - like for example
ants. This is a place which is
oriented towards the south,
so it will be nice to sit here
on sunny days.