Masteroppgave - Master engelsk
Det andre året i masterstudiet brukes til å jobbe med masteroppgaven. Oppgaven er et selvstendig vitenskapelig arbeid som skal omhandle tema innenfor språk, litteratur eller kulturkunnskap. Du kan også velge et tverrdisiplinært tema.
I løpet av andre semester skal alle studenter levere en prosjektbeskrivelse for masteroppgaven. Prosjektbeskrivelsen danner grunnlaget for formell godkjenning av veilederforholdet mellom student og veileder.
Masteroppgaven skal gi deg trening i å behandle et spesialisert emne på en vitenskapelig måte, og i å presentere resultatene på engelsk. Oppgaven skal være på ca. 80 sider (30000 ord), og den skal skrives på engelsk. Du får veiledning underveis.
Karakteren fastsettes etter vurdering av en intern og en ekstern sensor og kan justeres etter muntlig prøve. Den muntlige prøven har et omfang på ca. 30 minutter og avholdes på engelsk.
Institutt for språk og litteraturs sider for masterstudenter
Masteroppgave engelsk
- Norwegian Attitudes toward Non-native English Speakers and Accents (2022)
- Analogue Invention: S. and House of Leaves as Integrated Texts (2021)
- The Mistress's Clothes, the Skeletons in Her Wardrobe, and the Servant Who Tends to Them: The Private Sphere in Victorian Fiction (2020)
- Reading the Victorian and Modern Female Homosexual in Radclyffe Hall's The Well of Loneliness and Edith Johnstone's A Sunless Heart (2019)
- Discourses of Nineteenth-Century Femininity in Colonial India: Victorian Women Travel Writers and their Reception (2017)
- Balancing on Borders: Graphic Expressions and Female Realities in Fun Home and Persepolis (2017)
- Wandering between two worlds': Poetry as a stabilizing force in the Victorian crisis of faith (2017)
- The Writing on The Wall: Rock as Dystopian Spectacle (2015)
- A Comparative Analysis of Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown.
- The Representation of Gendered Speech in Joseph Conrad´s Under Western Eyes.
- The Intertextuality of Love. A study of intertextual references and allusions in Tom Stoppard's The Invention of Love and their importance in the play's discourse about love.
- Pathways. Man and the Environment in Contemporary Native American Writing.
- The Notion of National Identity: Britishness in Regard to Non - White Minority Ethnic Groups, Particulary British Muslims.
- "Det høres så mye mer fancy ut å plotte inn litt engelsk" Our Norwegian-English language - Are we really just borrowing words or are we actually bilingual?
- The role of camp talk and solidarity in the melioration of pejorative epithets in Will&Grace
- The Double Comparative Construction in Modern English.
- A thesis that considers issues raised by a literary work or by several literary works. For example: "Forced to take sides: the moral complexities of political division as presented in three plays about religious conflict in Northern Ireland".
- A thesis that considers the issues raised by film/TV adaptions of literary works. For example: "Three versions of Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights: selection, translation and transformation".
- The translation of swearing, humour, politeness, and other pragmatic phenomena from or into English.
- The transference of implicit cultural knowledge in translations between languages of unequal size and influence (Norwegian and English).
- English borrowings in Norwegian and dyslexia: a challenge?
Our supervisors
Our supervisors
You are welcome to talk to a potential supervisor or supervisors before handing in the supervision agreement (Masteravtale del II) with ideas for possible topics, and you may suggest a preferred supervisor on that form.
However, please be aware that there is no guarantee that you will be assigned to your preferred supervisor; the section will assign supervisors based on available resources and best possible matches within those limitations.
Theoretical and experimental projects:
- Compositional processing in words, phrases, sentences
- Processing of logical words: quantifiers, connectives ,etc.
- Referential processing: names, natural kind terms, etc.
Projects with relevance to education and technology:
- English as the language of science: learnability, processing
- Linguistics-based tests of current limitations of language AI
- Second language acquisition
- Extramural (out-of-class) language exposure
- Reading in a second language
- Academic language
- Vocabulary
- Reading strategies
- Language practices in higher education
- Second language acquisition
- Third language acquisition
- Age and language acquisition
- Multilingualism
- Multilingualism in education
- English in Norway
- Literary translation
- Translation as a tool for teaching and learning
- Audiovisual translation (subtitling, dubbing)
- English as a global language and translation
- Translation of pragmatic meaning (e.g. swearing, politeness, humour, metaphor, irony, idioms, fixed expressions)
- Translation of linguistic varieties
- Translation of culture-specific concepts
- Translation and society
- Translation and music
Not accepting new students until November 2025. Otherwise:
- Language and tourism
- Linguistic landscapes & soundscapes
- Language variation on screen/in literature/in gaming/on social media
- Language attitudes, esp. in multilingual environments
- Language and sports
- Informal language learning
- Environmental & sustainability discourses
- Articulatory and acoustic phonetics
- Sociolinguistics of multilingualism (language contact; linguistic landscapes; language maintenance and shift; migration and belonging)
- Sociophonetics
- Variationist sociolinguistics (language variation and change, language variation across the lifespan)
- World Englishes
- Language development
- First and second language learning
- Language in developmental disorders (language impairment, dyslexia, autism)
- Language and cognition
- Mechanisms which support language learning
- Digital technology and language development
- Advanced experimental research
- Ellipsis: the syntax and semantics of ‘unspoken’ elements
- Grammar of ‘special registers’, especially in writing: grammatical phenomena in headlines, DMs/SMSs, diaries, recipes, …
- (Grammatical characteristics/analysis of) register variation generally
- (Grammatical characteristics/analysis of) ‘non-standard’ varieties of English (especially Scottish English, but others too)
- Comparative English/Scandinavian syntax and/or semantics (potentially also English/other languages)
- Interfaces between domains of grammar: syntax-semantics, syntax-phonology, phonology-syntax-semantics (NB! The phonology content of our courses is minimal, so advisees interested in phonology would probably need to either have studied some phonology elsewhere or be willing to self-study very quickly and efficiently)
- I am very open to other topics within (English) syntax or semantics, in consultation with individual advisees.
- I am also very open to co-supervision where formal linguistics intersects with other approaches, e.g. acquisition or sociolinguistics.
- Twentieth Century British History
- Genres of Political Writing and publishing in modern Britain
- British Conservatism and political ideas, including Thatcherism
- Politics and its representation on film and television
- Protest and social movements in 1980s Britain
- Memory politics
- Decolonisation
- British, Australian, and Zimbabwean history and society
- Monuments, museums, and tourism
- Education, curricula, and textbooks
- Reparations and apologies
- Nostalgia
- Race, racism, and anti-racism
- Autobiography and life writing
- Postcolonial writing
- Romantic and Victorian lyric and narrative poetry
- Romantic and Victorian fiction and non-fiction prose (including Victorian journalism; the Victorian novel; nineteenth-century sport and rural life; and the Victorian reception of medieval history, art, and literature)
- Medieval and Early Modern literature in verse and prose
- History of the Book (including the book arts; periodical culture such as magazines and journals; constructions of authorship; reading communities and reception; and paratext and epitext, including the relationship between text and illustration)
- Literature and Historiography (including the historical novel and the Neo-Victorian)
- Speculative Fiction (esp. anti-dystopias, cyberpunk, steampunk, the fantastic, and Victorian fantastic literature or so-called "Forgotten Fantasy")
- Fairytale, Myth, Legend, Saga, Ballad, Romance, and the Gothic
- Comics and the graphic novel
- Literature of the First World War
- Canadian Literature (especially regionalism in Canada from rural, urban, western, or Atlantic perspectives, and the First Nations or immigrant experience)
- Games and play in literature and culture
- Animals in literature (including representations of animal consciousness in fiction)
- Literature and the environment
- Life writing: memoir and autobiography (including travel writing)
- Material culture and everyday life in literature
- Digital culture and the future of the book
- Contemporary literature and genres ( ca. 1990-present)
- Literature and media
- Literature and memory
- Literature and society (esp. race, class, gender)
- Literature and cultural theory
- Eighteenth-century British literature and culture
- Contemporary British fiction
- Word and image studies
- Print history
- Literary adaptation
- News and literature
- Song lyrics
- Gambling and literature
- Emily Dickinson (poetry, reception)
- 19th century American literature
- 20th century short story
- 21st century Irish prose fiction
- Textiles and literature (interdisciplinary approaches)
- Creative nonfiction
- Literature of the American South
- Young adult or children’s literature
Ingen tema publisert ennå.