Performativity and historiography (April 2011)
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Performativity and historiography
Seminar 12 April 2011
This seminar/conference was the first occasion in years for a broader discussion between Norwegian scholars on research on the history of Norwegian music, dance and theatre during the eighteenth and nineeteenth century. The initiative was taken by scholars employed by two departments at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The institutional hosts of the seminar were the Department of Music, the Department of Art and Media Studies, and the Association of Theatre History in Trondheim.
The personal hosts of the conference in April 2011 were professor Randi Selvik, professor Svein Gladsø, associate professor Anne Margrete Fiskvik, ph.d. Ellen Karoline Gjervan, and dr.philos. Thoralf Berg.
The seminar was part of the broader International PerFormativity Seminar ”The Performance Turn” which took place 12–14 April at NTNU. A participant and an important contributor both to the overarching seminar and the historiography seminar was Shannon Jackson, professor in Theatre, Dance, and Performance studies at University of California, Berkely.
As the program for the historiography seminar in April shows, this seminar also was instrumental in the planning of a subsequent seminar 10–11 November 2011, where the focus was supposed to be on the relationship between the resourses of Norwegian archives and museums, and research in music, dance, and theatre.
Please follow the links below or in the menus to find more on the seminar(s):
- The program of the overarching seminar "The performative turn"
- The program of "Performativity and historiography"
- The introduction to the historiography seminar (by Svein Gladsø)