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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.

Language and style. Fauna norvegica publishes papers in English. Manuscripts should follow “Instructions to authors” as closely as possible. Manuscripts that do not conform to this guide will be returned for revision. Please look at a published paper from the last volume and follow how the manuscript is organised.


Manuscripts should be submitted online using the journal's Open Journal System (OJS). In OJS authors can follow the manuscript through the process towards publication. In the submission process include name, e-mail address, ORCID, and affiliation for all authors in the submission’s meta data entry.


Organise the manuscript as left justified with numbered lines to help the reviewers. Manuscripts should have a title with author names, an abstract followed by a list of up to five keywords and a suggested running head (36 characters or less), and address(es) of the author(s). Clearly state the name and e-mail address of the corresponding author. Abstract should not exceed 300 words and should cover main results and conclusions of the paper. Authors, year, title and Fauna norvegica should be inserted above the abstract.

The body of the articles should be organised in sections labelled Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion and References. All acknowledgements should be collected under a single heading at the end of the text, preceding References. Short communications should be structured in the same way as outlined for standard articles. Reviews and Opinions may be organised differently.

When submitting a manuscript for review tables with their headings and numbered figures with legends should be included in the manuscript and uploaded as a single Word file. Reviews are pleased if you place figures and tables where they appear in the text. A pdf file can be uploaded in addition (optional). After review, a revised manuscript and graphic files with figures must be uploaded separately.

Sampling localities must be followed by a position (latitude and longitude) or an UTM reference, given in a Table if appropriate.

Abbreviations etc. Use internationally accepted symbols, SI units.

Nomenclature. Scientific names of species should always be provided and written in full at first occurrence, including in tables and figure legends, and at the beginning of sentences. Scientific names of genera and species should be written in italics. At first mention in the main text (but not in title or abstract) scientific names of species should be accompanied by the name of the taxonomic authority followed by the year of publication (separated by a comma), e.g. (Palio dubia Sars, 1829). Names of authors should be written in full. Names should be treated according to rules applied in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Nomenclatoral acts should be registered in ZooBank (zoobank.org) and a LSID should be given.

Figures and Tables. Write Table and Figure both in the running text and beneath/above tables and figures. In the final page layout, the illustrations will occupy either one (76 mm) or two (160 mm) column’s width and cannot be higher than 220 mm. Tables will be adjusted to fit either one or two columns in width. Do not use vertical lines in tables. The author should take into consideration that most figures will be reduced in size. In line illustrations, line thickness should not be less than 0.25 mm after reduction. Lettering should not be smaller than 8 points (1.5 mm) after the figure is reduced. Illustrations intended for publication should be uploaded preferably as Tagged Image Format File (*.tif), JPEG/JPEG2000 (*.jpg/*.jp2), Adobe Portable Document Format (*.pdf) or Encapsulated PostScript (*.eps). When scaling illustrations keep in mind that colour pictures will be reproduced at a resolution of 300dpi, black and white pictures and colour lineart at 600dpi and black and white lineart at 1200dpi. If using a file-format that offers compression, keep in mind that compression may influence the quality of the final image and the rate of compression should be kept at a minimum or avoided, if possible. For an initial assessment of the manuscript for publications illustrations may be uploaded at a lower resolution, but once accepted for publication illustrations meeting the minimum requirements regarding size and resolution must be uploaded.

In figures symbols or different fills should be identified in the figure legend. In maps and illustrations of specimens a scale bar should be included. Choose contrasting patterns. Photographs must be of high quality with good contrast. In case of photographs, in Figure captions clearly state name of the photographer: Photo: John Doe.

Maps. Maps must be clear and only necessary information included. Use simple symbols, as explained above for figures. Names of localities must be in accordance with correct place names and must be clear in English. Source of the underlying map must be given. This can be as licensed software given as information in Material & Methods or as permission for use in Acknowledgements. Please refer to the "Permission/Copyright section below. Regarding layout sizes, electronic file formats and minimum resolutions, please see section “Figures and Tables”.

References. Only works actually cited in the text should be included in the references, unpublished results and personal communications must not appear in the reference list. We strongly recommend the full citation of original species descriptions. In the text references are placed in parentheses: (Black 1979), (Black & White 1973: 12-13), or as noted by Green (1978) and Black (1979). When more than two authors, add et al. to the name of the first author, e.g. White et al. (1980). Multiple references should be given in chronological order, i.e. (Black & White 1973; Green 1976, 1979; Black 1978). All references cited should be listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order, using formats illustrated by the examples below. Works by the same author(s) should be listed in chronological order, but those by a single author should precede multiauthored works by the same first author, regardless of date. Works where author(s) name(s) and year are identical should be lettered consecutively (e.g. 1996a, 1996b). Personal communications should be mentioned parenthetically in the text (A.B. Black, affiliation, pers. comm.), verified with the source of the information and approved for use. Journal names should be written in full. A DOI should be added at the end of the reference, as a live link in this format https://doi.org/10.xxxx/xxxxx. Try this tool to find doi for your reference list: https://apps.crossref.org/SimpleTextQuery

Format the references according to the following examples:

Smith CR, Glover AG, Treude T, Higgs ND, Amon DJ. 2015. Whale-Fall Ecosystems: Recent Insights into Ecology, Paleoecology, and Evolution. Annual Review of Marine Science 7(1): 571-596. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-marine-010213-135144

Avise JC. 2000. Phylogeography: the history and formation of species. Cambridge. Harvard University Press. 447 p.

Book Chapter:
Sjøtun K, Fredriksen S, Rueness J, Lein TE. 1995. Ecological studies of the kelp Laminaria hyperborea (Gunnerus) Foslie in Norway. In: Skjoldal HR, Hopkins C, Erikstad KE and Leinaas HP (eds). Ecology of fjords and coastal waters. Elsevier Science. pp 525-536.

Edited book:
Skreslet S (ed.). 2004. Jan Mayen Island in scientific focus. Dordrecht. Kluwer Academic Publishers. XV, 363 p.

World Wide Web (Internet):
Author AB. Title of web page. <Complete URL of web page accessed>. Published: YYYY-MM-DD (if appropriate). Accessed: YYYY-MM-DD.

Permissions/Copyright. The submitting author is responsible for submitting permissions to use copyrighted material as reprint of a previously published table, figure or extract of more than 250 words, pictures, maps or other copyrighted material. Include written permission from the holder of the copyrights with the manuscript submission. If in doubt, obtained permission as acknowledgement alone is not sufficient. Authors should exercise general professional courtesy in acknowledging intellectual properties such as patents and trademarks when appropriate.

Proofs. First proof will be sent to the corresponding author. It should be returned without delay. Alterations should be limited to correcting typesetting errors. Extensive alterations will be charged to the author.

Copyright transfer. Fauna norvegica licenses all content of the journal under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) licence. This means, among other things, that anyone is free to copy and distribute the content, as long as they give proper credit to the author(s) and the journal. For further information, see Creative Commons website for human readable or lawyer readable versions.

Referees. Fauna norvegica covers a wide scope of research fields, and authors are encouraged to suggest three referees qualified to review their manuscript (name, address, e-mail) as a note to the editor when submitting the paper.