Key note-talere - Lektorutdanningskonferansen 2018
Key-note talere
Kari Smith
NTNUKari Smith's main research interests are teacher education, professional development, mentoring novice teachers and assessment for and of learning.
She has worked as a school teacher for 18 years, before she became a teacher educator. Smith has acted as the Head of Teacher Education programs abroad as well as at the University of Bergen in Norway. From January 2015 she has been Head of the Norwegian National Research School in Teacher Education (NAFOL) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Kari has been active in the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI), previously as the Coordinator for the Assessment and Evaluation SIG (1) and till August 2015 as the Coordinator for Teaching and Teacher Education SIG 11. Kari Smith is a member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and of the International Study Association for Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) and sit on a number of international editorial boards for journals in teacher education and assessment."
Viv Ellis
King's College London, UKViv Ellis currently holds the Chair in Educational Leadership and Teacher Development at King’s College London. He is also an Honorary Research Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York where, with Professor Mariana Souto-Manning, he is leading the foundation of a Centre for Innovation in Teacher Education and Development (CITED).
Since 2011, he has been a Professor II at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) in Bergen and, from 2017 to 2020, he is a member of the Advisory Panel on Teacher Education Reform for the Norwegian government’s Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency (NOKUT). In London, Viv is a member of the Executive Board of the London and South East Teacher Residency, an innovative, community-engaged teacher education and leadership development programme designed by the Education Commission in Southwark, involving over 100 primary and secondary schools.
Mary O'Sullivan
University of Limerick, IrelandMary O'Sullivan's teaching and research interests related to policy and practice around teaching and teacher education (physical education). She is also interested in curricular change and how teachers support (are supported) and/or resist curricular changes in their local contexts.
Mary is a teacher educator, physical educator, and a Professor at the University of Limerick (UL), Ireland since 2005. She recently completed a term as member of the Irish Teaching Council (registration body for teachers and accreditation body for teacher education programmes). Mary served as the Inaugural Dean of the Faculty of Education and Health Sciences (2008-2014) at UL. Prior to returning to Ireland, Mary spent 20 years at The Ohio State University (USA) as a Professor (1996-2004) and Associate Dean of the College of Education (1999-2004). In the 1980s’ Mary was a member of one of first Professional Development Schools (PDS) based on the principles of the Holmes Report and active member of UNITE (Urban Network for Initial Teacher Education).
Mary is involved in several research projects. Two projects relate to challenges posed by increased government interventions on teacher education, professional development for teachers, and induction of teachers to schools. She is part of the Irish team involved with the International Forum for Teacher Educator Development (InFo-TED). She co-authored an article on Irish teacher educators’ professional needs and their experiences of the challenging expectations of the modern Irish university around teaching, research, and school-university partnerships.
Kirsti Rø
NTNUKirsti Rø er førsteamanuensis i matematikkdidaktikk ved Institutt for lærerutdanning, NTNU. Hun disputerte for ph.d.-graden i april, 2018 (Universitetet i Agder), med en avhandling om matematikklæreridentitet i overgangen fra matematikklærerutdanning ved universitetet til yrkesutøvelse i skolen. Hennes primære forskningsinteresser er læreridentitet, matematikk og matematikklærere i overgangen fra lærerutdanning til undervisning i skolen, holdninger og forestillinger tilknyttet matematikklæring og matematikkundervisning, samt resonnering og bevis i arbeid med aritmetikk, på barnetrinnet og i grunnskolelærerutdanningen, 1-7. Kirsti Rø har sin utdanningsbakgrunn fra femårig lektorutdanning i realfag ved NTNU, med matematikk og fysikk som undervisningsfag. Hun har tidligere jobbet med formidling av teknologi- og realfag ved Vitensenteret i Trondheim.
Ragnhild Lied
UnioRagnhild Lied er leiar i Unio, og har permisjon frå stillinga som lektor ved Stranda vidaregåande skule med faga matematikk og kroppsøving/idrettsdag. Ho har tidlegare vore leiar i Utdanningsforbundet. Lied var med i sentralt læreplanarbeid både i Reform 94 og Kunnskapsløftet. Ho var medlem av Kvalitetsutvalet (Søgnenutvalet) 2002-2003.