Headline - Villages in English

Villages in English

List includes only EiT villages with English as the language of instruction

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Data and Minds: Forging Future Frontiers

In a data-rich world, Brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) hold potential in medicine and neuroscience. BMIs restore mobility, enhance cognition, redefine interaction. Ethical questions accompany this transformative journey. (TMA4851)

Digital communities and welfare

Threats and risks in the healthcare domain – Learn from the past, assess the present, and prepare for the future. (IMT4016)

Future user experiences in the digital era

The village is about the complex interplay between technology, people, and the context around it. Issues in this broader context therefore require an interdisciplinary approach and the village is open to students from different fields of study (e.g., design, computer science, communication technology and other technology fields, arts and humanities, social and behavioural sciences, …) (TTM4850)

Virtual reality-based digital twins

A  digital twin (DT) is a virtual representation of a physical asset enabled through data and simulators for real-time prediction, optimization, monitoring, control, and improved decision-making. Based on its capability, a DT can be ranked on a scale from 0-5 (0-Standalone, 1-Descriptive, 2-Diagnostic, 3-Predictive, 4-Prescriptive, 5-Autonomous). Currently, we have buildings, greenhouse, weather, autonomous ships, drones and wind farms that can be considered good use cases. (TTK4853)

Visual Appearance reproduction using 3D printing techniques – Challenges and Opportunities

This village is based on the challenges and opportunities in understanding and reproducing visual appearance using 3D printing techniques. (IMT4310)

Ålesund – a university town

Ålesund is site for a campus belonging to Norway’s largest university; NTNU. How does Ålesund benefit from this stronghold of knowledge in our midst? How may it shape the culture?  In this village we seek to find novel ways to incubate and accelerate the transformation of Ålesund from a “town with a university” to a deeply rooted “university town”. (IE509118)