Travel scholarships and other financing

Support for Student Collaboration in Trøndelag County

Students working on assignments in collaboration with a company or municipality in Trøndelag (outside Trondheim) can receive up to NOK 6,000 in support to cover the following expenses:

  • Travel expenses (transport and lodging) directly related to the project (the State Travel Regulations are used as the basis for calculating the support)
  • Other operating expenses directly related to the project (costs for labs, surveys, etc.)

The assignment should be part of a bachelor's or master's degree.  

Support is administered by competence brokers in various business incubators, etc., throughout Trøndelag. Consult your thesis partner or directly contact the relevant competence broker (see the overview on DistriktForsk's website (Norwegian), sorted by region and responsibility).


Travel Grants for Master's Theses on Trøndelag's Business Sector

The Trøndelag Foundation grants up to NOK 30,000 in travel funds per master's thesis that aligns with the foundation's objectives. Criteria for support:

  • The master's thesis must address a relevant issue related to ownership, value creation, decision-making power, or capital management in Trøndelag
  • The issue must have a general or societal interest
  • The issue must be approved by the supervisor – 50% of the awarded grant will be disbursed
  • The thesis must be published so it can be posted on the foundation's website – the remaining 50% of the grant will be disbursed

You can apply via the application form on the Trøndelag Foundation's website (Norwegian), applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

For more information, contact the Managing Director of the Trøndelag Foundation.


Support for Student Collaboration in Innlandet

The grant scheme aims to encourage more bachelor's and master's students to complete assignments in collaboration with a privately owned company in Innlandet, thereby contributing to strengthening the company's innovation work.

  • Bachelor's and master's students at universities and colleges can apply.
  • Universities and colleges can also apply on behalf of students.
  • If you are writing an assignment for a company you are employed in, you cannot apply.

You can apply for grants of up to NOK 20,000 per assignment when collaborating with one or more companies in Innlandet. It is also possible to apply for support for student assignments where multiple students work together to solve an R&D challenge in a company. In this case, the support is up to NOK 30,000 per group.

Rolling application deadline

More information and application form can be found on Innlandet County Municipality's website (Norwegian).


Master's Scholarship from Møre og Romsdal County Municipality

Møre og Romsdal offers annual scholarships for master's theses that contribute to the development of knowledge about relevant issues in the county. Main themes for the scholarships are: culture, competence, business, and sustainability. Application deadlines are May 15 and November 15.

The scholarships amount to 25,000 NOK and are awarded to students who write a thesis contributing to knowledge building about Møre og Romsdal, highlighting current issues in the county. It is expected that a student receiving a scholarship will present their thesis to the county municipality upon completion and that the student will provide advice and insights to the county municipality based on the thesis work and findings.

You can find more information and the application form on the website of Møre og Romsdal County Municipality (Norwegian).


Financing for studies abroad

When you submit the application for permission to study abroad, you also apply for the scholarship programs administered by the Office of International Relations (NTNU stipend, Erasmus, DNV). Students might also be eligible for funding from the State Educational Loan Fund.

More information on financing of foreign studies


Other scholarships for students at NTNU

Here you find an overview of funds and endowments earmarked students at NTNU (Norwegian).
Scholarships are announced February 1., application deadline March 1.