Recruit students through NTNU Bridge

Here you will find useful tips on how you best can use NTNU Bridge to recruit students for different types of announcements - and which announcements that are not suitable. You can publish announcements via "New announcement" in the profile menu to your left.

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Which announcements can you publish at NTNU Bridge?

The following announcements are suitable to publish at NTNU Bridge:

  • Full-time jobs for graduates that require a bachelor's or master's degree within NTNU's fields of study
  • Announcements specially suitable for graduates, such as internships and trainee positions
  • Part-time and seasonal jobs that can be combined with studies
  • Announcements that can be included as part of the education, such as practical job experience, relevant summer jobs and academic collaborations

You should avoid publishing the following announcements at NTNU Bridge: 

  • Full-time jobs without requirements for professional expertise 
  • Vacancies that require more work experience than what you can expect from a graduate, such as senior and management positions
  • Announcements that require expertise that is not part of NTNU's fields of study, for example law
  • Unpaid assignments who are not part of the education, such as unpaid internships, are only accepted under special circumstances

Here you will find a guide on how to publish announcements on NTNU Bridge


Which announcements do the students apply for?

Summer jobs are the type of announcement that are most sought after at NTNU Bridge. Many students are required to have relevant practical experience in addition to their studies. This is often solved through summer jobs. Relevant summer jobs are also an important entrance to academic collaboration and their future careers. 

Part-time jobs that can be combined with studies are also sought after. The same applies to full-time jobs that are specially suitable for students or graduates, such as internship and trainee positions.

For Bachelor's and master's theses, timing is important for the amount of response, as the students choose their thesis topic for only a limited period of time. Here it is also important to include a comprehensive description of the project, so that the students can consider whether it is relevant to their subject field.

Full-time jobs gets on average the least response per announcement at NTNU Bridge. The announcements are often many and of varying quality. That is why it is especially important that you work on how to attract attention. Be clear on which academic profile you are looking for, and why this particular announcement is attractive for students.


When do students apply for announcements? 

The activity at NTNU Bridge follows the students' semester. This means that there will be periods with high activity and a great amount of response to all types of announcements. Other periods the response will be lower.

The students are most active at the beginning of each semester. "High season" at NTNU Bridge is in January - March and August - October. This coincides with when most of the career fairs, company presentations etc. are held. In April and November, the exam preparations for spring and autumn semester starts. It gradually becomes more difficult to reach the students during these months. In June, July and December the activity is reduced. If possible we recommend to avoid these months when you are publishing announcements at NTNU Bridge. Also at Easter, including the week before and after, we clearly see that the students are inactive. 

Students apply for all types of announcements throughout the year. Students attending the most attractive studies apply for summer jobs already a year in advance, so here it is important to publish vacancies early. The same goes for full-time jobs. The application deadline for many trainee and internship positions is in February - March. Therefore we have particular focus on such announcements during these months. Several new students apply for part-time jobs that don't require specific professional competence early in the autumn semester. For details on when students apply for bachelor's and master's theses, see Academic Collaboration.