Er du student og på utkikk etter sommerjobb for 2024?

Education level
Started bachelor/master (1.-3. yr)
Started master (4.-5. yr)
Field of study
Architecture and Physical Planning
Biology and Biochemistry
Civil Engineering
Computer Science and Information Technology
Electrical Engineering
Geology, Geomatics, and Petroleum Sciences
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Communication and Media Production
Mathematics, Physics, and Nanotechnology
Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology
Environment and Sustainability
Product- and Industrial Design
Economy, Administration and Marketing
Summer work
Research and Development (R&D)
IT – Operations and Support
IT – Development and Design
HR and HSE
Technology- and Product development
Info on how to apply
Workation gir en helt unik sjanse til å finne mange spennende sommerjobber her i Trondheim - bare et steinkast unna ditt studiested!

Mandag 23. oktober slippes alle våre stillinger til sommerjobber for sommeren 2024 fra en rekke interessante bedrifter i Trondheimsregionen. En sommerjobb i Trondheim gir deg muligheten til å få relevant praksis, gir deg kontakter i det lokale næringslivet, samtidig som du får muligheten til å bygge et sosialt nettverk med andre sommerstudenter i Trondheimsbedrifter!

Stillingene slippes på mandag 23.oktoberkl. 12:00 , så her er det bare å sette datoen i kalenderen og sitte klar til sommerjobbslipp!



Applied Computer Science
Cold Climate Engineering
Automation and Intelligent Systems
Biology and Chemistry
Biomarine Innovation
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Civil Engineering
Building Information Modelling (BIM)
Urban Ecological Planning
Sustainable Architecture
Sustainable Energy
Sustainable Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Sustainable Manufacturing
Sustainability, Work Environment and Safety Management
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Digital Business Development
Digital Infrastructure and Cyber Security
Digital Transformation
Real Estate and Facilities Management
Electrification and Digitalisation
Electrical Engineering
Electronic Systems Design
Electronics Systems Design and Innovation
Electric Power Engineering
Energy and the Environment
Computational Colour and Spectral Imaging (COSI)
Film and Media Studies
Film and Video Production
Financial Economics
Renewable Energy
Physics and Mathematics
Physical Planning
Geotechnics and Geohazards
Geoscience and Georesources
Global Manufacturing Management
Globalisation and Sustainable Development
Graphic Design
Ocean Resources
Health Management in Aquaculture
Hydrogen Systems and Enabling Technologies
Industrial Design
Industrial Innovation and Digital Security
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Industrial Cybernetics
Industrial Ecology
Economics and Technology Management
Information Technology
Information Security
Engineering and ICT
Embedded Computing Systems
Interaction Design
International Business and Marketing
Chemical Engineering
Cybernetics and Robotics
Coastal and Marine Engineering and Management
Technology Management
Renewable Energy in the Marine Environment
Marine and Maritime Intelligent Robotics
Marine Technology
Marketing, Innovation and Management
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mathematical Sciences
Materials Science and Engineering
Food Science, Technology and Sustainability
Media, Communication and Information Technology
Media Studies
Medical and Biological Studies
Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Molecular Medicine
Natural Resources Management
NTNU School of Entrepreneurship (NSE)
Hydropower Development
Production 4.0
Product- and System Engineering
Product Design and Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Project Management
Accounting and Auditing
Security and Cloud Computing
Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)
Simulation and Visualization
Ship Design
Subsea Technology
Web Development