Focus and Scope
The CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research is devoted to publishing peer-reviewed research articles related to all aspects of chironomid research. The journal also serves as an updated news bulletin for the Chironomidae research community. Full journal issues are provided annually in December, while individual papers are published contiuously upon acceptance. All contributions are open access and can be downloaded freely from this website. All research articles submitted to CHIRONOMUS are subject to peer-review. There are no page charges for manuscripts accepted for publication.
Online Submission Process
New authors must register with the journal prior to manuscript submission; when registering, we encourage you to also register as a Reader and a Reviewer. Alternatively, returning authors can simply log in and begin the 5-step submission process. Registration and login are required to submit manuscripts online and to check the status of current submissions. Names, addresses, and affiliations should be entered for all authors upon submission through the journal website.
Author Guidelines
Authors contributing a manuscript to the CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research should adhere to the formatting requirements outlined below:
Manuscripts must be written in English; either British or American spelling may be used, however please be consistent throughout the manuscript. Authors who speak English as a foreign language are strongly encouraged to have their manuscript proof-read by a native English-speaking colleague.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLMs)
Generative large language models and other AI tools cannot be listed as co-authors for papers in CHIRONOMUS. If used, AI tools should not be cited as publications (because the outcome of a query is not repeatable). Authors should use AI tools with care, as they are not always accurate. AI tools such as LLMs can be used to generate/polish text and/or code, analyse data when relevant, etc., but authors are solely responsible for the content. If AI tools have been used, a declaration on the use of AI in the paper must be published as a separate paragraph before the Acknowledgements. Additionally, if AI is used to code or analyze data, this should be explained clearly in the description of methods.
Manuscript Format
Manuscript should be single-spaced, written in 12-point Times New Roman font, and submitted as either an MS Word document or an ‘.rtf’ file. Please construct your manuscript using the following organizational format:
First page must include manuscript title, names, mailing and e-mail addresses of all authors. Please use lower-case letters in title and headings, with the exception of proper nouns. Subsequent sections should include an Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, and References. Short communications can deviate from this format if appropriate.
Primary headings (e.g. Materials and Methods) should be bold faced, while subheadings (e.g. Sample Sites) should be italicized. Please adhere to the rules of biological nomenclature, as outlined in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Species names should be stated in full and the name of the describer should also be provided when presented for the first time. Scientific names should be italicized throughout the manuscript. Manuscripts which include the description of new species should include information detailing official repository of type specimens (holotype and paratypes).
Tables should be editable and can be included directly in the text. Please supply a title and table caption explaining all components of the table. Tables should be referred to in text in consecutive numerical order.
All figures (maps, graphs, photos, etc.) should be embedded in the text file in the area that they should appear in the manuscript. Figures should be referred to in text in consecutive numerical order. When referred to in-text, please abbreviate Figure as “Fig.” or “Figs” Figure parts should be denoted by lowercase letters [ex. (Figs 1a-c, Fig. 2a)]. Each figure should be accompanied by a descriptive caption explaining what the figure depicts.
Stylistic Conventions
Dates should be expressed in the day-month-year format (ex. 17 February, 2015); time should be expressed in terms of the 24-hour clock (ex. 0800 and 2200); units should be expressed using the SI system.
Numbers with four or more digits should contain commas, while those less than 1.0 should be preceded by a zero (e.g. 0.19).
Use the following abbreviations: s – second, min/mins – minute/minutes, hr/hrs – hour/hours, yr/yrs – year/years.
Citation and Reference Format
In-text Citations. Relevant references should be cited in parentheses without a comma between name and year [ex. (Langton 1991)], use “and” for manuscripts with two authors [ex. (Langton and Pinder 2007)] and “et al.” for manuscripts with three or more authors [ex. (Ekrem et al. 2010)]. Citations referring to multiple works should be in chronological order and separated by a comma [ex. (Langton 1991, Ekrem and Stur 2009, Anderson et al. 2013)].
References. List all references alphabetically at the end of the manuscript. Please use the following formats and include DOIs when available:
Journal Article (Please use full journal titles):
Ekrem, T., Willassen, E. and Stur, E. 2010. Phylogenetic utility of five genes for dipteran phylogeny: a test case in the Chironomidae leads to generic synonymies. - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57: 561-71. DOI:
Electronic Journal Article:
Anderson, A.M., Kranzfelder, P., Bouchard, R.W. and Ferrington, L.C. 2013. Survivorship and longevity of Diamesa mendotae Muttkowski (Diptera: Chironomidae) under snow. - Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research 45:e6. DOI:
Armitage, P.D., Cranston, P.S. and Pinder, L.C.V. 1995. The Chironomidae. The biology and ecology of non-biting midges. Chapman & Hall, 572 p.
Book Section:
Ferrington, L.C., Berg, M.B. and Coffman, W.P. 2008. Chironomidae. In Merritt, R.W., Cummins, K.W. and Berg, M.B. (Ed.) An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America, 4th ed. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, pp. 847-989.
Anderson, A.M. 2012. Winter-Emerging Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) in Minnesota Trout Streams. Ph.D Thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. 261p.
An EndNote style file can be supplied by contacting Torbjørn Ekrem or Alyssa Anderson.