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This page describes the social activities (common lunch, pizza, etc) in the Waterpower laboratory, it also comes with social responsibility in kitchen and cleaning...

Friday events

The group of students and staffs using the area on fourth floor of the lab is pretty big and it is pretty easy get mess accumlated in the kitchen, which is why Masters students using the area are randomly assigned a week in which s/he shall be responsible for the tidiness of the kitchen. The kitchen boss is not just responsible for cleaning everything themselves but pulls the legs of people who tend to make a mess or don't cleanup after using the kitchen. The weeks/responsible students are assigned at the beginning of the semester and there are often less number of students than the number of weeks, thus having 'alle sammen' as the kitchen boss, which means that everyone using the kitchen has to be extra careful. It has also been a tradition that the kitchen boss bakes and brings cake every Friday, which is served during lunch. S/he also brings wine and other beverage as the prize for the wine lottery which is held every Friday at 12:15. Each ticket for the lottery costs 10 NOK and everyone present during the lottery can purchase as many tickets as they wish. The kitchen boss gets his/her amount reimbursed as tickets for the wine lottery, equivalent to the amount they spent on the lottery prizes. All the profits made from the wine lottery goes into the celebration of other events we have in the lab.

Pizza Evenings

The pizza evenings are the events organized to increase socialization between students and employees working throughout the building. These events are organized with the funding from projects of one of the professors in the house. These events are organized occasionally and the dates and frequency depend on the fundings available. During these events, there is always a sober responsible, who is responsible to make sure that HSE regulations are followed in case of any emergencies. The responsibilities of sober responsible has been on the hands of the vitass, who is also responsible for organizing these events. This also means that, participants who are legally allowed to drink alcohol can bring their own drinks of preference for consumption in certain amount. 

Christmas celebration

Christmas celebration is generally held at the end of Autumn Semester: usually before the start of Christmas and New year holidays. The financial burden for the food and drinks required for the Christmas is taken by the Professors in the house through their project funds. It used to be funded by the department, before the change in regulations. It might still be wise to look for some assistance from the department, as there could be some free funds department might want to give for these events. The profits from the wine lottery throughout the semester is used to purchase additional drinks which cannot be funded through funds received from the professors or department. Depending on the number of participants in the wine lotteries, the profits from the lotteries are usually enough for the procurement of products not funded by the projects but sometimes it can be a bit short, which is used from the savings from previous years. Thus, it is important to make purchase keeping in mind the profits of the lotteries and also try to save some for the future if possible. Any remaining amounts from the profit are saved as cash in the vitass office.

Summer celebration

Summer celebration is almost the same as Christmas except that it is celebrated during the end of the academic year. It is generally celebrated before the final year students submit their thesis. The allocation of funds for the summer celebration is the same as Christmas celebration. During the summer celebration, the students submitting their thesis in hydropower are given a souvenir: a pelton pin for male candidates and a necklace for female candidates. These pins are numbered and the numbers correspond to the thesis number that has been submitted from Waterpower Laboratory.