Ana Adeva Bustos (SINTEF), Knut Alfredsen

The Ljungan river located in Sweden, is a regulated river where habitat restoration measures have been carried out to restore the river to its situation before being affected by timber floating channelization (Figure 1). Today, we have a hydraulic model build up with LiDAR data for the bathymetry input and HEC-RAS 2D for before the restoration measures (Figure 2), we want to simulate, validate and quantify the uncertainties for the situation after the habitat restoration measures. In order to do this, fieldwork will be carried out in Ljungan, data will be collected using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and the structure from motion method will be applied to create a digital elevation model of the river banks morphology (Figure 3). In addition, water surface elevation, velocities measures and substrate composition could be collected in order to validate and complement the hydraulic model results. Findings from this project will be valuable to show the potential of combining UAH with hydraulic models as tools for design and planning of mitigation/restoration measures.

Figure 1. Three locations in Ljungan before and after the habitat restoration measures.

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