How do the hourly and seasonal variations in electricity grid mixes affect the life cycle energy and carbon of installing PVs? Photovoltaics in buildings is a key technology to reach European targets about zero emission building. The zero energy and zero emission building concepts, as defined by EU’s newly recasted Energy Performance in Buildings Directive, rely partly on the additional installation of solar energy technologies, and PVs generally have the advantage of producing electricity at times where wind energy is scarce. However, looking at overall European electricity mixes and the temporal variations in carbon intensity, PVs in Norwegian conditions may have certain limitations to the substitution benefits.

Kort beskrivelse av oppgaven:

The project is planned to apply LCA/carbon footprint thinking to investigate the balances between production and use of electricity in a heating dominated climate - potentially compared with a southern European context of a cooling dominated climate. The project will feed into the ongoing scientific and regulatory discussions about potentials and limitations of zero emission building strategies.

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Prosjektet kobler til et internasjonalt forskningsprosjekt om net-zero GHG emission buildings (IEA EBC Annex 89)

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