Oppgavenr: MSA10

Tilknyttede emner: TBA4171 - Bygnings- og materialteknikk, videregående kurs


The Norwegian building industry produces 3 million tonnes of construction and demolition waste annually, whereof the concrete fraction represent 1 million tonnes.  73% of this are disposed in landfill, 22% are used as fill mass and only 5% are material recycled. Intuitively, it may be environmental beneficial to allow for more reuse or recycling of concrete in new materials. However, according to Yazdanbakhsh et al. (2018)[1] and Ebenhardt et al. (2019)[2] there are also significant environmental impact connected to the recycling and transport that should be assessed when addressing beneficial concrete reuse value chains. This thesis will investigate beneficial use of concrete waste from a builder’s perspective using a typical demolition project as a case. Use for local alternatives for terrain landscaping for foundation purposes (including effect of carbonization) will be evaluated against various recycling and reuse alternatives. Based on quantifying GHG emissions for the case will be scaled up to national scale to give policy recommendations.

[1] A. Yazdanbakhsh et al. Comparative LCA of concrete with natural and recycled coarse aggregate in the New York City area. Int J Life Cycle Assess (2018) 23:1163–1173

[2] L. Ebenhardt et al. Life cycle assessment of a Danish office building designed for disassembly. Building and reserach & Information 47:6, (2019) 666-680

Kort beskrivelse av oppgaven:

The project task will mainly focus on qualitatively addressing different material flow pathways for recycling and subsequent impacts. The thesis will quantitatively assess impact using LCA software as SimaPro and One Click LCA.  Best available technology data will generated through contact with Circulus the project.

Antall studenter på oppgaven: 1-2


Kontaktperson ved IBAT: rolf.bohne@ntnu.no

Eksterne samarbeidspartnere:

IØT v Professor Ottar Michelsen, the Circulus project

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