Oppgavenr: MSA9

Tilknyttede emner: TBA4171 - Bygnings- og materialteknikk, videregående kurs


Traditional recycling of construction and demolition waste (CDW) typically involves mechanical crushing on site followed by recycling or down-cycling of material in a recycling facility. Alternatively, material are directly landfilled or used as fill material on-site. The Circulus project aim to develop innovative solutions for high value use in recycling of concrete. High voltage pulse system are tested alternatively to traditional demolition techniques and new recipes of concrete are being developed allowing for more use of recycled aggregates in CDW. This thesis will aim to investigate both environmental and economic impact of these innovative methods, using life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle costing (LCC). The thesis will use similar methodology as Di Maria et al (2018)[1].

[1] A. Di Maria et al. Downcycling versus recycling of construction and demolition waste: Combining LCA and LCC to support sustainable policy making Waste management. Waste Management 75 (2018) 3–21

Kort beskrivelse av oppgaven:

The project task will identify all relevant attributes of the innovative recycling techniques using available literature and through interviews with the project participants of Circulus. The master thesis will quantitatively calculate economic and environmental impact and will based on the results suggest feasible alternatives for sustainable recycling. LCA software as SimaPro and One Click LCA will be available for the task. 

Antall studenter på oppgaven: 1-2

 Kontaktperson ved IBAT: rolf.bohne@ntnu.no

Eksterne samarbeidspartnere:

IØT v Professor Ottar Michelsen, the Circulus project

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