NTNU is the second largest university in Norway with about 20,000 students.  The  university has participated in 60 R&D projects under FP6, of which 6 are coordinated by NTNU.  The university's profile in Science and Technology, along with a wide range of Social sciences and Humanities, provides unique scope for interplay  between disciplines.  The Programme for Teacher Education (PLU) is one of 12 departments at the Faculty of Social sciences and technology management.

PLU is responsible for the following activities:

Teacher Education - educating 340 graduate student teachers per year for the intermediate and secondary school sector (year 5 - year 13) in natural science, mathematics, social science and modern languages, as well as further education and  in-service courses for teachers in all these fields.

University Pedagogy  - assurance and development of the quality of teaching and learning at NTNU: pedagogical counselling, educational and method courses for  new staff, affiliated professors and teaching assistants; pedagogical innovation, research and development; dissemination of experience and development of competence in other faculties.

The University's Resource Centre for Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology - an intermediary between schools, universities, colleges, trade and industry: continuing education and in-service courses in science and technology for  teachers at all levels; developing and disseminating new teaching materials and equipment; advising school authorities about science rooms and laboratories; publications on teaching and learning in science and technology; networking between  schools, the university and industry; implementing research and development on teaching and learning of science and technology subjects in schools.

In addition to scientific staff, NTNU has a dedicated administrative staff with  extensive experience in research management, legal issues and financial management of EU-projects.

Task allocation

Tasks attributed to NTNU include:  • The overall management of the project (WP1) including financial management  • Media and dissemination strategy (WP10) • Content development in WPs 4, 5, 6 and 8.

Staff members who will be undertaking the work:

Geir Karlsen, Professor, will be the consortium leader. He is deputy head and  research leader at the Programme for teacher education at NTNU.  His main research areas are philosophy of education, in particular the teachers role in contemporary society. In recent years he has been involved in research strategy and  implementation of policy in both national and international contexts. He is currently leading a national work-group connected to changes in teacher education in Norway, and is a member of several international networks, including the organisational board  for the successful 2009 annual conference of NERA (Nordic Education Research Association).

Peter van Marion, Professor in Science Education. His main interests are in  outdoor work in biology, practical work in science and environmental education. He is the author of text books in Science for grade 12. Currently he is the Director of the University's Resource Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education.

Alex Strømme, Professor in Science Education, works with teacher training in  biology.  He has worked for many years with ICT in schools and universities.  He has developed, and carried out research on, web-based programmes in science. He is also involved in implementing information technology in university teaching and  learning.

Berit Bungum, Associate Professor, works with teacher training and research in science and technology education.  She has many years experience with curriculum  development and in-service education for teachers.  She is also one of the editors of the Nordic journal for science education research, NorDiNa.

Peter Gray (Dr) has been involved with the development of S-TEAM since 2007.  He  was formerly research fellow for the Early Professional Learning Project at the University of Stirling, Scotland. His first degree was in Film & Media Studies and his doctorate concerned the use of space in nursing education. He has been involved in  European collaborative projects and teacher education since 2002 and is co-convenor of the Teacher Education Research Network of EERA and a reviewer for Journal of Education for Teaching. Dr Gray will be the project manager and leader of  WP10.

Other NTNU staff participating include

Prof May-Britt Postholm,

Prof. Anna-Lena Østern

Assoc. Profs:

Marit Honereid Hoveid,

Halvor Hoveid,

Ove Haugaløkken,

Kjersti Wæge,

Indicative Allocation of Person-Months: NTNU  name  role  PM (total 83)

Geir Karlsen  Project coordinator  8

Peter Gray  Project manager  34 (FTE for duration of project)

Hilde Roysland  Project administrator  18 (0.5 FTE for duration of  project)

Peter van Marion  Production of product 6.12 4

Alex Strømme  Production of  5.2 & 8.4  2

Berit Bungum  Production of  6.13  3

May-Britt Postholm  Production of  4.6  1

Anna-Lena Østern  Production of  8.4  2

Marit Honereid Hoveid  Editing  6.15 in collaboration with CYCO 1

Halvor Hoveid  Production of  6.13  1

Ove Haugaløkken  Production of  5.2  1

Kjersti Wæge  Production of  5.2  1

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