A voltage regulator has been developed to provide regulated power from the Pioneer LX onboard battery. The function of the power box is to transform the unregulated voltage from the battery, which varies depending on charge, into stable supplies with handy formats (USB, mini-fit, etc). It is equipped with appropriate fuses for protection and to distribute the power to the different outputs. See EiT report for further information.

Pioneer LX onboard battery

See the Pioneer LX manual

  • Unregulated outputs (total 18A):
    • 2 22-30VDC outputs that each deliver 4A
    • 2 22-30VDC outputs that combined deliver 10A
  • Regulated outputs (3A):
    • 5, 12 and 20 VDC that combined deliver 3A

The LED box requires 5V and minimum 5A. See the dedicated EiT report on Box for LED head requirements.

Mini-fit Connection Plugs

These are from the Cybernetics Workshop. We do not have the correct clamping tool for them, so we used a pair of pliers and some solder to attach them to my wires.

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