13. Leibniz Institute for Science Education (IPN)

The Leibniz Institute for Science Education (IPN) was founded in 1966 as a research  centre for science education.  As an institute of the Leibniz Association with a nationwide function, IPN receives basic funds from the federal government and the commission of German states (Länder). IPN is also affiliated to the University of Kiel.  The institute's mission is to develop and promote science education through research.  Its research therefore deals with the full range of issues concerning teaching and learning in the sciences, inside and outside schools.  The institute  comprises five departments: Educational Science (including Research Methodology and Statistics), Biology Education, Chemistry Education, Physics Education, and Mathematics Education.  Approximately 140 people make up the IPN staff, and about  100 persons are working as scientists with university degrees, including 40 doctoral students.  IPN's tasks range across the entire field of science and technology education. It  concentrates on long-term and nationwide research projects, which cannot be covered by universities.  The IPN research program focuses on aims, perspectives and curricula of science  education (e.g. conceptions of scientific literacy or standards for science education), teaching-learning processes in science education (e.g. comparative video studies in physics instruction), innovative concepts for science teaching (contextualized  chemistry / physics / biology instruction), computer-based diagnostic of competencies and research methodology (e.g. multidimensional adaptive tests; item response modelling), educational monitoring (national surveys), learning in and out of school  across the lifespan (e.g. nationwide pilot programs for collaborative teacher professionalization; quality development for extracurricular activities in the mathematical-scientific-technological field).   IPN has headed several nationwide projects to improve science and mathematics teaching and is partner in the EU-FP7 funded project Mind the Gap which focuses on  improving science teaching through inquiry based science teaching.    Task allocation Within the German quality and teacher development program SINUS-Transfer a set  of 11 modules for improving science and mathematics teaching have been developed, tested and successfully implemented in more than 1.700 schools.  The aim of WP3 is to identify relevant modules that apply to the specific situations in the  participating countries and disseminate them to different teacher training institutions at a European level.   Staff members who will be undertaking the work:      Manfred Prenzel, Professor, Dr., will be the leader of WP3. He is a professor  of Education at the University of Kiel and managing director of IPN and director of the educational department of IPN.  He has extensive experience in research on learning and instruction (especially on motivation / interest, conceptual change, transfer,  patterns of instruction), with focus on mathematics and science education and quality development, and professional development in education.   Matthias Stadler, Dr., is a postdoctoral researcher.  He has worked for more  than 4 years at IPN coordinating the quality and teacher professional development program SINUS-Transfer.

Indicative Allocation of Person-Months: IPN name  role  PM (total 34)  Manfred Prenzel  WP3 Leader, NLP, dissemination  5.5 Matthias Stadler  Production of  3.1-3.5  28.5     Deliverable  Person Months (senior researcher)   Remarks National workshops    4    Training packages  15  1 PM each plus 1PM for overall coordination Web access and feedback   6    Reports    3  1 + 2 TOTAL  28

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