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In NTNU, we have central support from Orakeltjenesten related to IT and other access to the buildings. This page describes the support and help given to the students who are writing project and master thesis in the Waterpower laboratory. In the Waterpower laboratory, students receive supports at different levels. The very first line of support is provided by the scientific assistance (Room 44A) for all cases. The second line of support is generally PhD students in the Waterpower laboratory, when it comes to conducting project and master thesis work. Third line of support is provided by the laboratory technicians and engineers for physical experiments in the laboratory. The fourth line of support is given by the supervisors. Administrative and examination related support is provided by the Department of Energy and Process Engineering, or or

Use NTNU email

While contacting support team or sending email, always use NTNU email address. If you use your private email, it may be blocked by the firewall or the security system, and may end up as junk email. Consequently, you will never receive reply.

IT support

Student usually need support related to the working computer and installing required software in the computer. Recently, NTNU has developed a centralized system, where the student has access to many software. Student can install himself or herself to the computer. The list of software is available in the 'Software Center'. You can search this from the Start menu of your computer. In case of computer failure or need any other help related to the computer, contact following email address.

You can send email to the support directly. 


Remember to put your supervisor in cc.

> It is also important to include your computer name, it usually starts with NTNU.... and desk ID. 

> provide detailed information so IT support can help you effectively and immediately.

> Short and partial information will lead to several back and forth emails and delay the solution.

Support in Project and master thesis work

Often students need support in conducting research work for the project and master thesis. Majority of time, the MSc students are connected to the on-going project work, where PhD students are part of it. Therefore, it efficient to contact the corresponding PhD student at the first place and discuss the help. If PhD student cannot help, and the weekly meeting with the supervisor is scheduled, it is wise to take up into the weekly meeting. If weekly meeting far late, directly contact the supervisor. You can contact using email. You can also send chat massage via Microsoft Teams. You can also visit the office.

Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug

Chirag Trivedi

Access to the Waterpower laboratory

General access to the Waterpower laboratory is given automatically when you start working on project work or master thesis. If you require a special access that allows you to work after the working hours and weekend, you need to contact EPT administration, or study support team. You can send email to Anita Yttersian and ask for full access. However, you will not get access to the main laboratory that requires special training and completing the short course on health and safety. Read here:

Access to the library in the Waterpower laboratory

Waterpower laboratory has own library that includes several books, master thesis, phd thesis and journal articles. If you find useful for your project work or thesis work and would like to borrow the reading material, please contact student assistance in Room 44A. We also have electronic list of the books. You can access the list while scanning the QR code placed on the cupboard. The scientific assistance will help you to locate the material.

Access to the supercomputer

Many students request for access to the supercomputer for their project and master thesis work. Primarily, student who are working on CFD are allowed to gain access to the supercomputer. As a MSc student, you can gain access the local supercomputer in NTNU. We primarily use 'Idun' to carry out the simulations.


"The Idun cluster is a project between NTNU's faculties and the IT division that aims at providing a high-availability and professionally administrated compute platform for NTNU. It is an effort to combine the compute resources of individual shareholders to create a cluster for rapid testing and prototyping of HPC software. While the IT division provides the backbone of the cluster, such as switches for high-speed interconnection, storage, and provisioning servers, the individual faculties/departments provide the compute resources." Department of Energy and Process Engineering (EPT) is one of the share holders for Idun and EPT regularly contributes to the resources and resource maintenance. Based on contribution, share on cpu hours are allocated periodically. Researchers and students of EPT can obtain access to the Idun cluster to carry out simulations. Small scale simulations are possible with this cluster however, for large, simulation, it is recommended to use national infrastructure managed by sigma2.

User account

Pre-requirement to obtain access to Idun

  1. Your main supervisor must be from EPT.
  2. Work carried out using Idun must be open to all. Project report and/or master thesis you are writing must be open to all. Any commercial work or work related to commercial industry is not permitted.
  3. The access will be granted based on availability of the cpu.
  4. If you are publishing your work, where the simulations are conducted using Idun, in a conference/journal paper, you must affiliate to EPT. Please read publication requirement from NTNU, Publishing.
  5. There is also requirement to acknowledge Idun in specific way, read guideline here: Acknowledgment – High Performance Computing Group (

How to get access to Idun

  1. Send email to IT support in EPT, Eugen Uthaug, on ""
  2. Email subject "User on Idun"
  3. Provide the following information in email body
    1. Your ntnu user name
    2. Supervisor's name
    3. A short description of your project work indicating your need (around 50 words)
    4. Indicate your requirement, cpu, memory, software, etc.
  4. Include your supervisor in CC of your email.
  5. Include Chirag Trivedi <> in CC as well.

As soon as user access is granted, you will receive confirmation email. It may take 0-5 days to grant the access depending on workload.

EPT share at Idun

We have access to five nodes until October 2023, which corresponds to 161 280 cpu hours per month. That means we have total of 161 280 cpu hours for all users of EPT. The cpu quota is updated monthly.

Check account quota and consumption of resources for the corresponding month.

$ idun-slurm-quota				% Look for 'share-iv-ept'

Additional software

You will need additional software to work with Idun. Software such as MobaXterm will be needed to interact with the Idun and run the simulations. Read Idun website for more information.

Administrative access to the local computer

Sometimes, student needs special administrative access to install special software for their project work. Students can contact the IT support team and request for the administrative access.

You can send email to the support directly. 


> It is important to include your computer name, it usually starts with NTNU....  

> provide detailed information on which software are you installing and why so IT support can help you effectively and immediately.

Access to the Wiki site of the Waterpower laboratory

We extensively use this wiki hotel for help and other important information related to the Waterpower laboratory. Almost all relevant information is available on wiki hotel. The wiki hotel is divided into two categories: (1) Public and (Internal). The information, which is not confidential is available on Public page and everyone can view the information. There are other pages, which are highly private to the laboratory and confidential. For example, information related to conducting the experiments and calibration, instrumentation, etc. The students, who plan to carry out the experiments in the laboratory, may need to obtain internal access.

Send email to Chirag Trivedi and indicate why you need access.

If you would like to contribute and improve the wiki hotel, you are most welcome. In fact, we are looking for enthusiastic student, who can help us and improve the contents on the wiki hotel. Please contact Chirag Trivedi for editing access to the wiki hotel.

Help in conducting experiments in the laboratory

Students, who plan to carry out the experiments, will require special access to the laboratory. They must complete the HMS training prior to the access. You need to complete the training and pass.

After successfully completing the course, contact laboratory engineer via email and request access or send email to the supervisor. The laboratory access will be given automatically.

HSE goals at Faculty of engineering

Operational objectives for the Faculty of Engineering

Ensure risk is under control by having all units at the Faculty of Engineering work to present themselves as fully responsible through active engagement with:

  • Maintaining an overview of how responsibilities, tasks, and authorities for health, environment, and safety work are distributed within the organization.
  • Exercising clear leadership for HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) work.
  • Identifying relevant HSE risks.
  • Implementing effective risk management and tailored preparedness.
  • Providing secure and functional workplaces for employees and students.
  • Continuously engaging in improvement efforts.

Good and effective HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) work within the Institutes and Faculty Administration entails that one:

  • Establishes annual cycles and action plans based on the faculty's HSE goals and local risks
  • Has clear roles for responsibilities, tasks, and authority in HSE work
  • Provides thorough HSE training to employees and students
  • Has effective routines for following up on its internal control conducts necessary safety inspections
  • Performs required risk assessments and ensures job safety analyses (JSA)
  • Includes HSE on the agenda of management meetings
  • Involves safety delegates in the planning of HSE work within the unit

HSE training for students and employees

All employees and students at the Faculty of Engineering must complete basic HSE training. The HSE course is an E-learning course developed by the Faculty of Engineering. The course must be taken before specific local HSE training is provided in laboratories or workshops.

Basic HSE at the Faculty of engineering

NOTE: Employees and students at The Department of Energy and Process Engineering (EPT) must use the departments own course as indicated below.

Other support

For any other support and help, contact your supervisor.

Emergency support

NTNU: 800 80 388

NTNU security will call you from the number above.

  • On call contact:
    • Trondheim: 918 97 373 (24h)
    • Gjøvik: 907 31 293 (Securitas - after hours)
    • Ålesund: 02452 (Securitas - after hours)
  • Electricity, ventilation, water etc.: 
    • Trondheim: 918 97 373 (24h)
    • Gjøvik: custodian 907 41 983 during work hours, 907 31 293 (Securitas) after hours
    • Ålesund: custodian 975 27 524 during work-day, 02452 (Securitas) after hours
  • IT failure:
    • Orakel Support Services: 73 59 15 00 (daytime)
    • On-call IT phone:  918 97 100 (evening)
  • See also: Emergency planning at NTNU

Cooperative organisations

  • SINTEF: 73 55 50 00
  • St. Olavs hospital (for situations where St. Olavs hospital is affected): 113
  • SiT (Samskipnaden): 02347
  • Trondheim municipality: 72 54 00 00 (daytime sentral switchboard), 110 (evening/night)
  • Gjøvik municipality: 61 18 95 00 (daytime sentral switchboard), 110 (evening/night)
  • Ålesund municipality: 70 16 20 00 (daytime sentral switchboard), 110 (evening/night)


  • Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: +47 22 24 36 00/+47 23 95 00 00
  • Sjømannskirken (Norwegian Church Abroad): +47 95 11 91 81

Emergency Clinic


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