To use MQTT with CODESYS, the WagoAppCloud library must be imported to the project. This can be done by:

  1. Press "Library Manager" in the current project.
  2. Press "Add Library".
  3. Expand "Application".
  4. Select "WagoAppCloud"
  5. Press OK.

A function block can then be created to simplify the use of the library:

Code Source:


The publisher works by:

  1. Set the message to send as a string.
  2. Populate an array of bytes with the string by using wagosysplainmem.MemCopy() function.
  3. Publish to the set topic by triggering the xTrigger of the FbPublishMQTT_2 object.

This block can simply be added in a program like this:

Whenever the trigger gets a rising edge, it will publish the message to the broker.

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