
NTNU premises, Øvre Vollgate 7, Oslo


Stein Bjørnstad /Blockchangers AS (Until lunch )
Leo Gasnier /The Register Center of Brønnøysund
Halvdan Haugsbakken / NTNU
Svein Ølne/Western Norway Research Inst.
Wilfried Pimenta / IOTA
Arne Krokan / NTNU
Margareth Horn / NTNU
Shuang Wu /NTNU
Paul Wan Keng Fai /NTNU
Abylay Satybaldy / NTNU
Bjarne E. Helvik / NTNU


10:00 – 12:00

· Welcome and a little introduction, Arne Krokan

· Blockchains importance for organizations, Margareth`s project

· Distributed truth – Report for Ministry of Municipalities and Modernization, Stein Bjørnstad, Blockchangers AS

· Blockchains in Practice – The Register Center of Brønnøysund, Leo Gasnier

12:00-13:00 Lunch Please let me know about any food intolerances. Vegetarian choices are ordered ☺


· “Theories of technology development and technology use” NTNU v/Halvdan Haugsbakken

· Blockchain Technology for Digital Transformation in Public Sector, Svein Ølnes, Western Norway Research Inst.

Coffee break


· IOTA – presentation Wilfried Pimenta

Discussions around potential collaborations

After the meeting: Pizza and informal discussions – networking.

Action items


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