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Etter klager fra en del fakulteter har UCSB innskjerpet opptakskravet. Opptakskravet på ca. C i snitt (GPA <3) praktiseres nå og en del studenter har fått avslag.

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studenter på UCSB i 2015: Kristsvo, ...


CMPSC 8 - Introduction to Computer Science
CMPSC 16 - Problem Solving with Computers I (2015)


TDT4105/TDT4110 - ITGKFreshman2015.04.21
(minus) RS 

CMPSC 24 - Problem Solving with Computers II

Oversikt over Freshman/Sophomore


TDT4102 - Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming (C++)Sophomore2015.04.21 RS

CMPSC 24 - Problem Solving with Computers II
CMPSC-32 - Object Oriented Design and Implementation


TDT4100 Object-Oriented Programming (Java)Sophomore2015.04.21 RS

CMPSC 130B - Datastructures and Algorithms II


TDT4120 - Algoritmer og Datastrukturer 2015.03.03 RS

CMPSC 162 - Programming Languages

5.33TDT4165 Programmeringsspråk 2015.03.03 RS

CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning
Covers the most important techniques of machine learning (ML) and includes discussions of: well-posed learning problems; artificial neural networks; concept learning and general to specific ordering; decision tree learning; genetic algorithms; Bayesian learning; analytical learning; and others.


TDT4136 - Introduksjon til kunstig intelligens
TDT4173 - Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering

 2015.03.05 RS
CMPSC 170 - Operating Systems


TDT4160 - Computer Fundamentals

With CS2702015.03.05 RS
CMPSC 171 - Distributed Systems5.33

TDT4190 - Distributed Systems

With CS2712015.03.03
CMPSC 177 - Computer Security5.33

TDT4237- Programvaresikkerhet
TTM4135 - Informasjonssikkerhet (2/3 IaS)

With CS2792015.03.05 RS
CMPSC 178 - Introduction To Cryptography5.33

TMA4155 - Kryptografi, introduksjon
TTM4135 -
Informasjonssikkerhet (1/3 IaS)

 2015.03.05 RS

CMPSC 180 - Computer Graphics
Overview of OpenGL graphics standard, OpenGL state machine, other 3D graphics libraries, 3D graphics pipeline, 3D transformations and clipping, color model, shading model, shadow algorithms, texturing, curves and curved surfaces, graphics hardware, interaction devices and techniques


TDT4195 - Grunnleggende visuell databehandling 2015.01.09
CMPSC 181B Introduction to Computer Vision5,33  2015.04.21 RS

CMPSC 185 - Human-Computer Interaction


TDT4180 - Human-Computer Interaction

 2015.03.05 RS

CMPSC 193 - Internship in Industry


TDT4290 - Kpro

 2015.03.03 RS

CMPSC 225 - Information Theory
Entropy, mutual information, and Shannon's coding theorems; lossless source coding, Huffman, Shannon-Fano-Elias, and arithmetic codes; Channel capacity; rate-distortion theory, and lossy source coding; source-channel coding; algorithmic complexity and information; applications of information theory in various fields.


TTT4115 - Communication Theory



CMPSC 230 - Approximations, NP-Completeness and Algorithms
Epsilon approximations, PTAS and FPTAS. Techniques for the design of approximation algrorithms. P, NP, NP-complete problems, polynomial transformations, Turing reductions, strong NP-completeness, NP-hardness and inapproximability results. Topics in algorithms include: amortized analysis, advanced graph algorithms and data structures.


TDT4125 - Algoritmekonstruksjon 2015.01.09
CMPSC 260 - Advanced Topics in Program Analysis 6.67   
CMPSC 263 - Modern Programming Languages and Their Implementation
Topics central to modern programming languages and their implementation: garbage collection; memory system performance; characteristics and optimization of object-oriented languages; type systems and type inference; run-time compilation. 

TDT4165 Programmeringsspråk

(KPro / EiT)?

 2015.04.21 RS

CMPSC 270 - Operating Systems
Develops an understanding of operating systems and operating systems research at both a conceptual level and from an engineering perspective. Fundamental design principles, culled primarily from the research literature, motivate an analysis of previous and current systems. This analysis is further validated through empirical investigation.


TDT4186 - Operating SystemsAfter CS1702015.03.03 RS

compsc 271 - Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems
Covers the fundamental problems in distributed systems and the various tools used to solve them. Of primary interest is the issue of fault-tolerance. Topics include event ordering, clocks, global states, agreement, fault-tolerance, and peer-to-peer systems.


TDT4190 - Distribuerte systemerAfter CS1712015.01.09
CMPSC 272 - Software Engineering6,67TDT4242 - Kravspesifikasjon og testing 2015.01.09
CMPSC 273 - Data And Knowledge Bases
We will cover a broad range of topics related to information search and knowledge discovery from relational data, text, and beyond.  The focus is on the study of relational and post-relational data models and their query languages and algorithms.  It will also introduce basic information retrieval and data mining concepts, principles and algorithms, including language model, text search,  association analysis, sequential pattern analysis, classification, and clustering.


TDT4145 - Data Modelling, Databases and Database Management Systems

60% group project

2015.03.05 RS

CMPSC 273 - Data And Knowledge Bases
We will cover a broad range of topics related to information search and knowledge discovery from relational data, text, and beyond.  The focus is on the study of relational and post-relational data models and their query languages and algorithms.  It will also introduce basic information retrieval and data mining concepts, principles and algorithms, including language model, text search,  association analysis, sequential pattern analysis, classification, and clustering.


TDT4117 - Informasjonsgjenfinning

60% group project


CMPSC 274 - Advanced Topics in Database Systems (2012) (W13)
Data Management issues for Data-intensive Computing

TDT4150 - Avanserte databasesystemer
TDT4300 -
Datavarehus og datagruvedrift

After CS170


2015.04.21 RS 

CMPSC 276 - Advanced Topics in Networking (Fall-14)
Focuses on advanced topics in networking. Topics may include, but are not limited to: Internet analysis, routing techniques, multimedia, approaches for network performance enhancements, and communication over new technologies. 
6,67KPro / EiT

Course project, 50%

2015.02.03 RS
CMPSC 279 - Advanced Topics In Security6.67

TTM4135 - Informasjonssikkerhet (IaS)
TDT4237- Programvaresikkerhet

After CS177RS-2/2-15
CMPSC 280 - Computer Graphics
Special topics in computer graphics including: curves and curved surfaces; visual perception of colors and color models; shading models; shadow generation; texture mapping; solid textures; stereographics; helmet-mounteddisplay; graphics hardware/architecture; solid modeling; physically based modeling; fractals and graphtals; volume rendering; scientific visualization. 
6,67TDT4230 - Graphics and Visualization 2015.01.09
CMPSC 281B Advanced Topics in Computer Vision
Advanced topics in computer vision: image sequence analysis, spatio-temporal filtering, camera calibration and hand-eye coordination, robot navigation, shape representation, physically-based modeling, regularization theory, multi-sensory fusion, biological models, expert vision systems, and other topics selected from recent research papers.
6,67TDT4265 - Datasyn 2015.04.21 RS
CMPSC 284 Mobile Computing6,67TTM4133 - Mobile nett og tjenesterIaS2015.02.24 RS

CMPSC 290A Special Topics in Computer Science: Foundations - Big Data and Networks (Fall-14)


TDT4215 - Web-intelligens 

group work2015.02.24 RS

CMPSC 290A Special Topics in Computer Science: Foundations - Big Data and Networks (Fall-14)
CS 290A is the first in a new group of courses we are introducing in the broad area of network science research.  This course will focus on fundamental theory and algorithms for working with Big Data and networks. Topics covered will include graph embedding, spanning trees, network flow, random graph models, network formation and evolution, structure and attribute-based search, clustering, partitioning, and distributed dynamical systems.  


TDT4225 - Store, distribuerte datamengder (Primary)

group work2015.02.24 RS

CMPSC 290A Special Topics in Computer Science: Foundations - Big Data and Networks (Fall-14)


TDT4300 - Datavarehus og datagruvedrift  (Alternative)


group work

2015.02.24 RS

CMPSC 290B - Special Topics in Computer Science: Software Systems
Gruppeprosjekt-fag som jeg tenkte kunne være substitutt for EiT. Litt avhengig av årets innhold som varierer mye.


TDT4190 - Distribuerte systemer

KPro, EiT

Legg ved kursinfo
-Group work

CMPSC 290C - Logic, Computation, and Programming Languages6,67

IT3105 - Kunstig intelligens programmering

 2015.02.24 RS

CMPSC 290G: Special Topic in Computer Science: Security


TDT4237- Programvaresikkerhet
TTM4135 - Informasjonssikkerhet

group work 

CMPSC 290I / MAT 235 - Mobile Imaging


TDT4180 - HCI

(Half of IT3402 - Design GUI w/Video)

IT3402 krever

2015.03.25 RS

CMPSC 290I - Special Topics in Computer Science: Intelligent and Interactive Systems
Gruppeprosjekt-fag som jeg tenkte kunne være substitutt for Eksperter i Team. Litt avhengig av årets innhold som varierer mye.


KPro, EiT

Legg ved kursinfo
-Group work


CMPSC 290I - Special Topics in Image Synthesis
This course focuses on the theory of image synthesis as applied in modern film studios today, and covers both high-end scanline rendering algorithms as well as physically-based rendering systems such as ray tracing and radiosity methods. Topics include radiometry, the REYES algorithm and Renderman API, stochastic ray tracing, the Rendering Equation, Monte Carlo integration, variance reduction techniques, photon mapping, reflection models, participating media, subsurface scattering, and advanced algorithms for light transport. 


TDT4230 - Grafikk og visualisering

Gruppearbeid2015.04.21 RS

CMPSC 290I - Mixed and augmented reality
Mixed and Augmented Reality, an active research field since the 1990s, has recently gained significant popularity because of the possibility of being implemented on smart phones. Augmented Reality is the concept of overlaying computer-generated information on top of the physical world. Mixed Reality is a bit broader and subsumes the fields of Augmented Reality, Augmented Virtuality, and Virtual Reality. This class provides a hands-on introduction to these novel interface technologies. Programming experience and knowledge of OpenGL is required.

6,67Finnes ikke tilsvarende fag på NTNU. Burde gå som et studieretningsemne for AI (Evt. EiT / KPro)50% project work 2015.04.21 RS
CMPSC 290N Special Topics in Computer Science General:Information Retrieval and Advanced Internet Services6,67

TDT4117 - Informasjonsgjenfinning

TDT4215 - Web-intelligens

x% group workRS-3/2-15
CMPSC 595B - Group Studies in Computer Science: Programming Languages and Software Engineering3,34

KPro, EiT

x% Group Project2015.04.21 RS
CMPSC 595I - Group Studies in Computer Science: Intelligent and Interactive Systems3,34

KPro, EiT

x% Group Project

2015.04.21 RS
ECE 251 - Mobile Embedded Systems6,67TTM4133 - Mobile Networks and Services (IaS)Android, HWRS-24/2-15
ECE 270 - Noncooperative game theory TDT4280 - Multiagent-systemer og spillteori RS-24/2-15 

ENGR 255 New Project Development

6,67KPro, EiT 2015.04.21 RS

ESM X489.1 - Energy Sources, Uses and Impacts

5?Komplementæremne/EiT 2015.04.21 RS

LING X491.2 - Communication for International Students

5,33Kpro, EiT 2015.04.21 RS

ME 179P - Introduction to Robotics: Planning and Kinematics
Motion planning and kinematics topics with an emphasis on geometric reasoning, programming and matrix computations. Motion planning: configuration spaces, sensor-based planning, decomposition and sampling methods, and advanced planning algorithms. Kinematics: reference frames, rotations and displacements, kinematic motion models.


TTK4195 - Modeling and Control of Robots
Ingeniøremne / KPro / EiT


PSYC 124 Educational Psych
An introduction to research and theory on how instruction affects student learning. Topics may include: development of learning and thinking strategies, instructional methods, learning in subject matter areas, individual differences, and classroom processes.

5,33Komplementæremne 2015.04.21 RS

TMP 136 - Project Management
Introduces the theory, concepts, techniques, vocabulary and practical knowledge of project management practice. Students will learn about the process groups and knowledge areas comprising PMI's Project Management Body of Knowledge. Provides a framework for conducting projects using project management principles.


TIØ4258 - Teknologiledelse


TMP 240 - Business Strategy and Leadership
Course covers business principles relevant to today’s increasingly competitive international business environment in four areas: Competitive Strategy and General Management; Accounting and Finance; Marketing and Sales; and Business Ethics.

6,67TIØ4258 - Teknologiledelse RS-10/2-15

TMP 413 - Accounting and Financial Problem-Solving
Begins with a discussion of fundamental cash flow and operating cycles of business, and financial & nonfinancial measures of business health and performance. Examine the role of traditional financial reporting, Pro Forma development and analysis, Discounted Cash Flow, and other managerial decision making tools. Product costing, cost terminology, budgeting, cost volume-profit analysis, and standard costs, as well as non-traditional management accounting topics such as variable costing and activity based costing.

5,00TIØ4146 - Finance for Science and Technology Students RS-10/2-15
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