Oppgave nr: BPO2

Related topics: 

·         Energy Management in Buildings (e.g., TEP 4235)

·         Building Performance Simulation (e.g., TBA 4166)

Background for the task:

The cost of locally installed renewable electrical and thermal systems in residential buildings is dropping rapidly and it has become increasingly common to invest in multiple-energy technologies such as PV, wind turbines and heat pumps. With the higher number of options, it is feasible to include more intelligent systems than basic low-level control in a residential building, especially with grid-connected local storage of heat and electricity.

Brief description of the task:

-          The objective of this project is to develop a simulation-based energy management platform for optimizing the interaction of smart building with the electrical and thermal grids in line with the governmental NVE’s targets, see

-          The tasks should be complementary to our previous works:

  • ‘’ Investigation of Grid Rent Business Models as Incentive for Demand-Side Management in Buildings A case study on fully electric operated houses in Norway’’, Master thesis, see
  • ‘’ Methodology to assess business models of dynamic pricing tariffs in all-electric houses’’, Journal paper, see.
  • ‘’Effect of Grid Tariffs on Demand-side Management in All-electric Buildings In Norway’’, Conference paper, see.

Number of students on the thesis: Two

Contact person at IBM: 

  • Mohamed Hamdy, associate professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU (mohamed.hamdy@ntnu.no).

External partners:

  • Stian Backe, a PhD Candidate at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, Trondheim, Norway
  • Georgios Eleftheriadis, a software and engineering developer at Metabuild is a German start-up company, disrupting the way buildings are designed. Their cloud-based software helps real-estate developers and architects create better buildings using data science and advanced simulation algorithms. Based in Berlin, Germany, we are a team of innovation-driven experts, enabling our clients to improve energy-efficiency, occupant comfort and cost-effectiveness of their projects.
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