Table of Content:

  1. Register
  2. Login
  3. Profile
  4. Home Page
  5. Event View Page
  6. Add Essays
  7. Review/Comments


There are two registration options in the application:

  1. Email Registration

    This login option is like any other registration system. The system requires name, email and passsword  for registration.

  2. Login with Google

    Another option is to login with Google providing Google authorization to Edulab.


To log in to the system user has to enter correct email and password. If Google login was selected then same option should be used to access the application. The login session is active unless manually logged out.


Profile only displays the name and email at the moment.

Home Page:

Home page has 3 tabs; Events, Articles, and Essays

  1. From Events tab events are searched with eventcode or event-hashtag

  2. In Articles tab all the referenced articles in the Essays are available. It is also possible to manually add new articles which will be available for referencing in essays.

  3. Essays tab lists all the essays written by the user. It also lists the reviewed essays by the user. User can edit the essays, add comment and questions to the essays.

Event View page:

Event view page lists all the essays or questions or comments added to the event if those features are enabled for the event.

If the event has sub-events, then those sub-events are also listed. Sub-events works as a session for the event. If Event is a course for a semester then sub-events could be every lecture sessions.


Add Essay:

 User can add new essays to an event from the form shown below. To provide references to the article, they can manually add new articles(which will be added to articles database in the system) or attach already existing articles.


 User can add questions to essays, events and sub-events. They can also cast up and down votes to those questions and comments

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