The Code is implemented in accordens to the requirments given in the function description. Quickly summerized it describes the following,

  • Survey and report the moisture in the air,
  • Sound  an alarm after 10 mintues if the moisture deviates more than +-5%rH away from the setpoint.
  • In case of an alarm, turn on fans to ensure a well ventilated facility

The Code for the Moisture sensor is based on its technical data (Bosch, 2024), where 0v = 0%rH which linearly scales to 5v = 100%rH. This means that linear interpolation is utilized to scale the input voltage too an output in %rH.

Linear interpolation is performed with the following function (Chapra and Canale, 2015),

This means that the inputs needs to be,

  • sensor_reading:REAL;
  • set_point_in_pRhREAL;
  • alarm_delay:TIME;
  • max_pRh:REAL;
  • max_pRh_in_volts:REAL;
  • min_pRh:REAL;
  • min_pRh_in_volts:REAL;

And the outputs needs to be,

  • pRh_read:REAL;
  • alarm_high:BOOL;
  • alarm_low:BOOL;

With the following internal variables,

  • alarm_since_trig:TIME;
  • alarm_high_trig:BOOL;
  • alarm_low_trig:BOOL;
  • alarm_high_trig_0:BOOL;
  • alarm_low_trig_0:BOOL;

The coded implementation looks like this,

Visually the new function block looks as following,


Chapra, S.C. and Canale, R.P. (2015). Numerical Methods for Engineers. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Education. [pdf] Available at: (Accessed: 28 May 2024).

Bosch. (2024). BME688: Digital low power gas, pressure, temperature & humidity sensor with AI. [pdf] February 2024, Document revision 1.3. Available at: (Accessed: 28 May 2024).

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