Type Hydrological modelling

Kontakt / veileder Knut Alfredsen, Edvard Sivertsen SINTEF/Klima2050, Statens Vegvesen
Sted Trondheim

Over the latest years the ability to use the DDD hydrological model for simulating flow in small ungauged catchments with an hourly time step has been developed and tested in Work Package 2 the Klima2050 centre
(http://www.klima2050.no). This will potentially allow us to simulate extremes in a continuous model which can improve the design flood computation and also let us investigate the effects of catchment wetness and other
catchment conditions. The purpose of this project is to test this model for a practical case. Tasks in the project:

  1. Model setup for a number of small catchments along E6 in the southern part of Helgeland. Evaluate the calibration of the model against data series transferred using different approaches and against any small catchment with available data found in the region.
  2. Find the design rainfall for the catchment, and simulate design floods for each catchment under different antecedent conditions in the catchment. Evaluate the design floods against standard methods for design flood computation for each of the catchments.
  3. Based on the results from 2), use the risk framework for culverts to evaluate the possibility of culvert failure for each catchment.
  4. Do an assessment of how land use changes or changes in climate may affect future design floods for one or two of the selected catchments.

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