Deliverables WP6: (delivery month in brackets)

6a WP6 Training materials Part 1 (M12)

6b WP6 Training materials Part 2 (M18)

6c WP6 Training materials Part 3 (M24)

6d WP6 Training materials Part 4 (M30)

6e Book (M33)

Products and events

6.1   Set of training packages and guide on supporting student inquiry in science  (18).

6.2   Guide for teacher educators on use of above training packages -  supporting student inquiry in science (24)

6.3   Training module for use in professional development on science centred competition as a motivational tool (24),

6.4  Training package for preservice teachers, as above (24).

6.5  Training packages x 4 on teachers' use of dialogic inquiry in lower secondary/primary (24).

6.6   Workshop materials and activities for dialogic inquiry in the science classroom  (24)

6.7   Professional development workbook on cross-curricular science education (24).

6.8   Training package on cross-curricular science education  (24)

6,9   Professional development training package on improving teachers' capacities to motivate students (24)

6.10    Training package on use of open investigations and Vee-heuristics within  science education (12)

6.11  Professional development training package for increasing student motivation in science (24).

6.12 Guide to University-school collaboration (12).

6.13 Teacher guide and book chapter on  using science in design and technology (18).

6.14 Teacher development module for use of interactive ICT animations in science teaching (18).

6.15 Book and DVD on approaches to IBST/E implementation (30)

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