Knowing the hydraulics of waterfalls is of great interest. Norway is a waterfall rich country and waterfalls are for example used for small hydropower plants, but also complicate road design and bridge building. During winter, many waterfalls freeze and knowing these processes improves the design of structures. Aim of the Master thesis is to give an overview of all the related processes of waterfalls and to show modelling possibilities. Physical, CFD modelling and field measurements are possible during the thesis work.

Regnet og dei store nedbørsmengdene gjer det naudsynt med manuell dirigering av trafikken ved Svandalsfossen. Bildet er frå ein regntung dag tidlegare. Arkivfoto.        

Figure 1: Fog at Svandalsfossen (Emberland, 2017)                         Figure 2: Hiking path at Svandalsfossen (Grov, Schjelderup, 2016) Figure 3: Svandalsfossen (European waterfalls, 2019)


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