The following list is meant to be a starting point for your exploration of a topic for your essay. You can look at the articles, but it is not a requirement that you read all of them. Once you have chosen a topic/case, it is expected that you do your own research and find more in-depth literature about your topic. The list can be extended during the semester and you can propose articles to include in the list.

  • Public value:

–            See (Twizeyimana and Andersson 2019) for a literature review based on the public value framework of Moore.

–            See (Scott et al. 2016) for a success factor framework based on public value.

–            See (Fishenden and Thompson 2013) for an overall description of how IT is shaping governments.

–            See (Petrescu 2019) for a discussion of public value and ecosystems.

  • Public encounter:

–            See (Lindgren et al. 2019), who take as a starting point the notion of public encounter, and analyze how digitalization is changing the nature of this encounter.

  • Open government:

–            See (Millard 2018) for a vision of open government.

–            See (Mikalsen and Farshchian 2020) for a case from public procurement and collaboration with vendors.

  • Technologies:

–            AI: See (Sousa et al. 2019) for an overview of the developments within AI in public sector. See (Viscusi et al. 2020) for an analysis of how public values are covered in AI strategies.

–            Chatbots.

–            Nudging.

  • Agile government:

–            See (Mergel et al. 2018) for a literature review.

  • Examples of digitalization in the public sector:

–            Social work and big data from Germany (Schneider and Seelmeyer 2019).

–            NAV and general digitalization from Norway (Hansen et al. 2018).

  • Service design:

–            See (Trischler and Trischler 2021) for a design approach based on public values and public ecosystems.


Fishenden, Jerry; and Mark Thompson (2013). Digital Government, Open Architecture, and Innovation: Why Public Sector IT Will Never Be the Same Again. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 977–1004.

Hansen, Hans-Tore; Kjetil Lundberg; and Liv Johanne Syltevik (2018). Digitalization, Street-Level Bureaucracy and Welfare Users’ Experiences. Social Policy & Administration, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 67–90.

Lindgren, Ida; Christian Østergaard Madsen; Sara Hofmann; and Ulf Melin (2019). Close encounters of the digital kind: A research agenda for the digitalization of public services. Government Information Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 427–436.

Mergel, Ines; Yiwei Gong; and John Bertot (2018). Agile government: Systematic literature review and future research. Government Information Quarterly, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 291–298.

Mikalsen, Marius; and Babak Farshchian (2020). Can the Public Sector and Vendors digitally transform? A Case from Innovative Public Procurement. In ECIS 2020 Research-in-Progress Papers.

Millard, Jeremy (2018). Open governance systems: Doing more with more. Government Information Quarterly, vol. 35, no. 4, Supplement, pp. S77–S87.

Moore, Mark Harrison (1995). Creating public value: Strategic management in government. Harvard university press.

Petrescu, Maria (2019). From marketing to public value: towards a theory of public service ecosystems. Public Management Review, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 1733–1752.

Schneider, Diana; and Udo Seelmeyer (2019). Challenges in Using Big Data to Develop Decision Support Systems for Social Work in Germany. Journal of Technology in Human Services, vol. 37, no. 2-3, pp. 113–128.

Scott, Murray; William DeLone; and William Golden (2016). Measuring eGovernment success: a public value approach. Eur J Inf Syst, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 187–208.

Sousa, Weslei Gomes de; Elis Regina Pereira de Melo; Paulo Henrique De Souza Bermejo; Rafael Araújo Sousa Farias; and Adalmir Oliveira Gomes (2019). How and where is artificial intelligence in the public sector going? A literature review and research agenda. Government Information Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 101392.

Trischler, Jakob; and Jessica Westman Trischler (2021). Design for experience – a public service design approach in the age of digitalization. Public Management Review, vol. 0, no. 0, pp. 1–20.

Twizeyimana, Jean Damascene; and Annika Andersson (2019). The public value of E-Government – A literature review. Government Information Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 167–178.

Viscusi, G; A Rusu; and M-V Florin (2020). Public Strategies for Artificial Intelligence: Which Value Drivers? Computer, vol. 53, no. 10, pp. 38–46.

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