Bakgrunn for oppgaven:
Sound insulation of timber structures is particularly of interest due to increasing use of the material besides acoustic challenges especially at low frequencies. Results of numerical methods and simulations can significantly deviate from the field measurements, therefore more experience is needed in this field.
Kort beskrivelse av oppgaven:
This study will include comparison of the field measurements made in buildings with CLT, with the results of simulations. For the simulations, two software will be used that implement different calculation models. Acoulatis is a simulation software that is designed specifically for wooden constructions and uses empirical models. COMSOL is a multi-physics software and it implements FEM / BEM for modelling acoustics and vibration. This study will address simulation principles, advantages and disadvantages of two options as well as introducing an insight in acoustics in wooden constructions.
Antall studenter: 1-3
Kontaktperson ved IBM: Ayca Sentop Dumen
Eksterne samarbeidspartnere: Consultancy company (to be announced) & Sonusoft (Acoulatis)