This page will carry links and other information about other projects which are working in the area of science teaching and education.

The Europa portal has of course links to many past and current projects, and there are two documents available with brief details of FP6 and FP7 projects (not including S-TEAM though)

25 Sept: The Scottish government has a new action plan for school science.

OECD have just released first results from the TALIS project on Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Environments. Thanks to M. Fatih Tasar for being first with the news!

Here is a link to the Pro-base project.

Intel have an initiative called Teach Advanced Online & Collaborative (TAOC).  we are currently waiting to hear from them regarding participation in the reference group.

Teach Advanced Online & Collaborative (TAOC) is an international CPD programme designed to capture the CPD evidence generated during curriculum re-development and the creation of related resources. It does this through the use of a five-step Learning Path. This five step approach provides a framework in which new ideas can be planned, developed, used and evaluated.

The Pollen project recently held its Berlin European conference on science education in primary school  and has just produced a booklet describing its main achievements since 2006.

One of the most interesting projects in this area is ROSE (Relevance of Science Education), mainly because it is a large-scale international project with real research content (ah, the R-word!).

ROSE is an international comparative research project meant to shed light on factors of importance to the learning of science and technology (S&T) - as perceived by the learners. Key international research institutions and individuals work jointly on the development of theoretical perspectives, research instruments, data collection and analysis.

jari Lavonen (Helsinki University) is of course an S-TEAM partner and has written several papers based on the ROSE research, see their publications page.

Then there is Science Created by You.

SCY aims to take science education to the next level by developing a flexible, open-ended learning environment that truly engages and empowers adolescent learners. Within this learning environment called SCY Lab{-}- students embark on authentic missions that can be completed through constructive and productive learning activities. SCY Lab provides adaptive support for these activities through cutting-edge technologies as well as pedagogical scaffolds that go well beyond the state of the art.

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